The house

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A/n TW: gore, mentions of rape, racism A/N

I knew they stared and gossiped about me, I heard their hushed voices and hurried whispers when I passed.

I knew what I looked like! I know I had lost alot of weight in the last few months, I knew how ashen I looked, my once vibrant brown skin was sunken and pale.

They speculated it was a side effect of what happened to me; The incident, they called it.
Others thought I had cancer, slowly eating away my mind and body.

They weren't completely wrong, in a way this all started because of " The incident" the rest is because I refuse to leave my "Home" even if it kills me.

My hand jittered along my bouncing knee as the anticipation to leave built inside me till I was nearly ready to run put of the office complex.

My eyes drifted to the clock but my view was obscured by one of my co-workers and my boss making me immediately scrowl before I blanked my face.

"Hi Dune, can we speak real quick?" My boss, Nancy said as she eyes my work desk, she always looked for something, being one of only three bipoc in the company I was "Watched", even more since I was very good and she had nothing to hang over my head to attempt to make me feel lesser, my co-worker with her was a Spanish American gal named Novita, a very nice young lady with copper curls but a puppet to Nancy. I never did find what she had on her but I knew she was there for "show" right now.

"What can I do for you, Nancy?" I said fixing my glasses as I turned to face them... ok I was trying to see the clock behind them.

"Your co-workers have been... Concerned, by your behavior-"

"What behavior is that, Nancy?" I said cutting her off, I didn't have it in me to play along with her bs. I knew what she was implying.

"Well, distant. You don't engage with them like you use too! You should also try smiling a bit, right? It wouldn't hurt to be more pleasant" she laughed nudging a very uncomfortable looking Novita.

"I am sure management has made you aware of what happened to me by a follow co-worker, actually he was both our boss. So forgive me if I don't want to associate with others at this time. Is there anything related to my work that you wish to speak to me about and Not personal conception?" I said getting more frustrated as they continued to block my view of the only damn clock in this building! I could always gwt another watch but... No I wasn't ready.

I saw the anger flash in her eyes before she thrusted a urine bottle at me "Well seeing as you are jittery and shaking, I say it could be illegal substances so I need you to do a urine test. Go piss and give this back to me." She said with a cruel smile.

"Hmm if that's what you want, but I suggest following procedure. I can't Give you my urine, you know that. You need to call the hotline for pick up and they need to watch me do it" I said turning back to my computer

"Are you trying to say I'd mess with it?" She sneared

"How would I know what you would do? I'm sure people will question why you aren't following procedures. I know I am" I said and began working on an already finished document, I finished my work an hour ago.

"YOU ARE NOT TO LEAVE TILL YOU DO A URINE TEST OR YOU ARE FIRED" she screamed and I just waved her off.


It was three hours after work hours before she called the lab to get the sample, I waited but I was PISSED. I didn't do drugs and she knew it, she just wanted to have something on me and since there was nothing she wanted to harass me! I didn't care about that, only that he was all alone, waiting for me. Worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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