twisted fin

11 2 0

Part 1.

"He smiled at me!" I squeaked to my reflection in the boys lockeroom once my sweaty gym clothes had been shed.

My night would be fantastically better with the image of my 6 year crush smile burned into my brain. He was tall and handsome and perfect! His name was Kasper Vain, and he was every boy and gals dream! He was a swimmer, a graceful water swan with legs and a pert perfect ASS..


But he was also unique with all white hair with silvery blue highlights that was kept long ending just under his shoulder blades. With long fingers that could glide over my body any da- I mean over piano keys... any day all day. Dude was also a prodigy in music , he could play most instruments but preferred the violin and had a special custom made one he adored that was a gift from his father when he arrived in America.

He missed his family alot and never really settled in with any friends here but not from a lack of people trying. He was super nice and helped everyone but preferred to be alone or with his cousin Dimitri who while hot was more of a asshole and wasn't the nicest to those not in his friend circle. Those people tended to be the cool pretty people, not bull's persay but not overly welcome if you weren't like them. They tried so hard to add Kass to their group but he made it clear to them and everyone else he isn't going to pick any group or set of people.

He was too cool for the cool kids hahahahaha.

I just wish I could hear his voice better. After a freak incident when I drowned as a kid I had lost alot of my hearing in both my ears. I mean I could still hear but it was as if I had the ocean roaring in my ears consistently and for some odd reason when I try to listen to him it gets worse. It's not fair but what in life is fair?

I make my way down the crowded hallways as everyone prepares for lunch, making my way to the cafeteria  and squeezing between all the jocks blocking the way as the praise Kasper. I make sure not to glance at any of them since it would just draw attention to myself and I prefer to NOT get bullied today.

The whooshing of the ocean picked up on my ears meaning Kass was speaking but as usual I ignored it since I wouldn't be able to understand what he was saying anyways and made way to the small empty table I always sat at: The one with the best view of Kaspers ass while he ordered his food♡, but I immediately noticed he wasn't in line like usual and I quickly glanced around to see Dimitri glaring at me and Kaspers gorgeous smile as he waved at me to come to him.

My jaw dropped.

Then I ran. Didn't look back, didn't say a word.

Just ran.

The rest of my school day was spent hiding in the bushes behind the science room. There was a small circled patch that I had slowly hatched away since middle school to hide away from bullys. I could pay down, do my homework and no one would see me, I also could place my listening device on the small window ledge of the science class and listen in on high-school and collage level classes putting me above all others except Kass in my class... also targeting me as a nerd.

The ocean sound filled my ears meaning Kass was talking in class but then the sound distorted and his voice started to filter through clearly! Not like if I was listening with the machine, no clear as if he was speaking right into my ear!

I shot up out of my hiding place in shock totally expecting to see him standing beside be only to hear the whooshing sound and collective gasps from my class, followed by the sound of the window open. I glanced up and saw my teacher Mr. Macky glaring down at me.

I ended up on the principles office and my mom was called. Of course she was at work and couldn't come pick me up since I refused to go to class even with the threat of suspension. I'm not dealing with the level of awkward that would come from seeing Kass.

They'd just have to suspend my ass!

FATE IS A CRUEL MISTRESS!!! If has to be a chick because guys wouldn't have gone through this much trouble to screw me!!! ×~×
I sat in the slick smooth interior of a very VERY expensive car. Not knowing much about cars I don't know the brand but I can tell you it smelt  expensive but that wasn't the issue. No, the issues was that said cash car belonged to Kasper Vain! He was driving me home. He SO kindly offered after I threw a fit when they sid I'd just have to go to class and I ended up getting a nosebleed so bad they were thinking about sending me to the hospital which upset me more.

In the end my knight in shining armor showed up♡ well him and Dimitri.

The two argued when he had offered to which I'm guessing he said it's my car you can walk, from the hand guesstures. Guess Dimi decided he'd prefer the drive.

I was also surprised Kass knew sign language and was fluent! I was surprised because I knew EVERYTHI-ERRR alot about him. He was my favorite thing to watch!

"He asked where you live midget. Uggghh can't we just leave him here? I'm sure he'd make it home" Dimitri droned out and a whooshing sound came as a reply.

My anxiety hit full force when Kass pulled over to yell at Dimitri or preceeded to slap him so hard Kaspers head snapped to the side and I watched as his hands curled into fists but he didn't move from that position but there was a hum in the air and my heart was seized with fear.

I could hear Dimitri's apologies flowing like a broken record but it didn't seem to calm my baby's anger.

So I opened the car door and ran.

I don't want my image of Kasper ruined by watching him kill his cousin. Don't care really just don't want to watch it happen.

I was lucky only a few blocks from my house and had just closed the door and was peaking out the curtain when I saw Kass's slick ocean blue cat drive up and stop right in front of my house. He didn't move from the driving  position, those long fingers gripping yhen steering wheel so tight I thought he'd snap it apart. I also noticed Dimitri wasn't in the car anymore. A hand on my shoulder made me scream and spin around to see my mother asking if I was ok but I waved her off and glanced back out the window to see he was gone.

How did he know where I lived? Was it a fluke? Did he kill Dimitri? Dingbat deserved it but would he kill me too for knowing!!!

My mom whacked me hard on the head -_-. She's mean and said I have an over active imagination.

Maybe I do. All I can do is see what tomorrow brings at school, I think I'd be ok dying by his hand.

End part 1.

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