Four Winged Angel

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I felt the sting of the gash running across my thigh as I limped towards my hover bike, the Tessla orbs tucked tight against my chest  to avoid them being broken in the shoot out.

May screamed for me to hurry as the others gave me cover fire.

This was gross over kill for some fucking Tesslas! Who would kill someone over some fucking druids? But then again this place was ridiculously over guarded, maybe there was something special about these Tesslas?

I grit my teeth as I swing my leg over my hover bike and scream for the others to high tail it to the outer ring, the outer ring being code for our hide out on the barren rocks of Saturn but was also the name of about 600 bars on several planets. Let the assholes search for me.

I know I've lost alot of blood, we had only been driving for 4 hours but my vision was fading and im could feel myself getting weaker, I needed to stop for the night.

I came to a stop on one of the deserted highway red lights waiting for the multilevel bridge to rise from the lower highway to mine when a bullet flew past my face.

I had sent the others ahead to make preparations with the person who hired us to steal the Tesslas, a sourly war monger with a passion for the exotic and for rarities.

I didn't like him but beggars cant be choosers. Wtf did we steal?

I turn my hover bike off the side of the highway bursting through the guard rail as my vision faltered when I voice literally screamed at me to stay away.

Jerking back awake I reattach to the hover bikes controls and speed to an emergency shelter we set up eons ago.


"Ok voice who the fuck are you?" I say as I pace the small cave.

We have gone over this already, human named Mel short for Melan born 3065 yyx in slums of ardicia 57th garbage moon of planet Neal.

"How do you KNOW alll of that???? And dont fucking say it's in my blood!"

...It is in your blood...

My eye twitched in my frustration and decided to just say fuck it, I'd lost my mind and was talking to my subconscious! I walked to the makshift bathroom as i attempted to contact my crew again, they should have reached the outer ring by now and I needed a voice of reason but still no awnser!

My eyes caught sight of my unruly reflection, I was smeared with blood, my curly black hair looked as if I had rolled around on the ground with twigs and shit sticking out of it and i knew it would be a bitch to detangle, my usually exotic caramel skin the made girls and boys alike drool was covered in mud,blood and grime that no hooker would touch with a 50 foot pole.

At least my dick was fine...

Why is your dick most important? You look horrible and you have a lack of essential blood. An estimated 4 weeks to regenerate enough to safely venture out.. 4 days before you can safely wash alone.

I grit my teeth as I look around again, that fucking voice! I can worry about my dick If i wanted!

"STOP READING MY MIND" I scream as I start stripping. I was gonna take a bath! Fuck that voice! 

As I took off my shirt a Tessla orb fell to the ground, it must have fallen out of the sack during the heist.

This one was smaller then the others, I'd never seen one so small before, the only  size being about a baseball this was about the side of a small plum. The coloring was wrong too, it was too intricate, looking as if someone has attempted to fit the galaxy in it.

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