Chapter 4: No longer there

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Now when Fundy came through that door all I could think was that Dream can finally say what he never got to say him, so when Dream got up to greet him and got slap by Fundy I was completely caught off guard, I put my hand over mouth as I looked to Ghostbur who was cringing. It wasn't a small slap either, it was a hard full blow slap.

"Why did you come back?! I told you to run, to hide! To leave!" Fundy was shaking with anger, I was speechless, Dream didn't move, to anyone else you would think he was mad but I knew what he was feeling. He was hurt, very hurt. I could feel my anger build in me, at times like these I wish they can see and hear me.

"Oi! What's your problem fox man? He came back for the better of all of you! Do you know how many nights he cried over you, how every day he thinks of you?! Why you son of a bi-" I was cut off by the door opening, three more people came in, one of them was Skeppy, the others I only know from stories that Dream have told me.

"You wanted to see us Ghostbur?" George looked at Dream with wide eyes, Sapnap was just at loss of words, Dream went and sat down back in his seat. His mask was crooked from the slap, he fixed it, I turned my hand into a fist. When I get my hands on the stuiped furry! Sapnap and George took their seat, Fundy was the last one to sit down. The air was thick and full of tension, I could tell Skeppy wanted to leave really badly.

"Skeppy could you bring MH to where Friend please?" Skeppy was quick to answer and quick to leave.

"Yup, sure, come on cow let's go." Dream told MH to go with Skeppy which he did willingly, when they left room Ghostbur began to talk but I didn't listen, I was too mad at the fox for breaking Dream's heart like that.

"Little ghost, you need to calm down, Fundy has his reason for acting the way he did." I quickly turned my head to Ghostbur, I completely forgot that there were other people in the room because I just started to shout.

"He didn't need to slap him! There are other ways to show your anger towards someone, did he realize that he broke his heart by doing that?! The way he reacted is completely uncalled for! Just because he is your son doesn't mean you cover up for what he, what he did was wrong!" I could feel my face heating up and I was shaking with rage. What he did was unfair to Dream, it only made me madder that the fox couldn't hear me.

"I agree that what Fundy did was uncalled for, but you have to understand that it's a lot for him" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Um, Ghostbur who were you talking to?" Sapnap asked, clearly confused, Ghostbur only smiled.

"Why Tommy of course! Don't worry I'm sure Dream will explain when he feels comfortable to do so" They all looked at Dream waiting for him to explain, I could only feel pity for him. Why did Ghostbur have to put him on the spot? I could tell that he was uncomfortable with everyone looking at him. Fundy spoke in an annoyed tone though, god please for time let me be able to touch someone for once so I can slap his dumb fox face!

"I don't care who Ghostbur was talking to, I want to know why he is here! He should be a million blocks away from this land!" I bit my tongue down, I can't with him. Dream took in a deep breath, even though I couldn't see his face I could tell that he had his eyes closed. When you have lived with someone who is the only one around for a long time you pick up on how they act when they feel certain things, and I knew that Dream was trying his best to stay together.

"I'm here because L'manburg is in danger, well the city and it's people are. As Ghostbur said early he was talking to Tommy, he wasn't lying." Dream started to bounce his leg, a nervous tick he has. I wanted to help, so I did the only way I knew I could, I made jokes that only me and Dream will ever find funny.

"Hey Dream, what is a Ghost's favorite food?" I asked softly, he looked over to me, I smiled at him.

"What?" He said quietly, I could tell he was already feeling a bit better.

"Booberries!" With that we both started to laugh, Ghostbur also chuckle shaking his head.

"That was so bad." The others didn't know what was going but I couldn't care less, I was to focus on cheering up Dream.

"Okay, what is going on? Is Tommy here right now? Why can't we see or hear him? And what does Dream mean by L'manburg is in danger, it's gone! No longer there!" I looked over George, gone? But we just walked through not that long ago....Dream did me a favor and asked for me.

"How is it gone? We just walked through, the buildings are still there." They looked uneasy, they shot looks at each other like they were silently fighting over who will tell us. 

"I guess I will," Sapnap sighed, he sat up a bit straighter, suddenly I wasn't sure if I wanted to know.

"When you left Dream all hell broke loose, Tubbo became obvious of finding and killing you. Each day only worse, he convinced a lot of people that you were the villain. Ghostbur and Fundy were banned for helping you escape, but they didn't want Tubbo ever finding you, so they faked your death. Only few people know the truth, like me, George, Bad, and Skeppy. Tubbo didn't stop at your death though, he wanted any trace of you gone, meaning the people who you cared about. He sent hunters out for me and George first, we were hunted down like dogs, but Ghostbur had a man inside, Ranboo. Ranboo warned us before they got to us, we went into hiding, many people didn't like what Tubbo was doing so they came to us. We formed a group called the refugees, but L'manburg and what it used to stand for is no longer there, we don't know where Tubbo is or what is going to happen next but we do know that he has loyat people who will stop at nothing to get rid of us. You being here is a good Dream but dangers, if Tubbos learns that you are still alive then he will destroy everything to make you fall and beg for mercy." I felt chills go down my spine, I couldn't help but feel as if this was my fault. If I hadn't died then this wouldn't be happening or at very least keep Dream away from here, I wanted him to be safe! Not fearing for his life. I felt sick to my stomach, I needed to leave. 

I could feel my hair on my neck stand up, I was speechless. I looked over to Tommy, who seemed paler than usual, he was panicking. I wanted to comfort him so badly, but right I needed to focus on what they were saying and answering their questions. I explained to them about Tommy and my theories why they can't him but I can, it was a lot to uncover. I was tired and slightly regret coming back but I couldn't let Tommy keep having those nightmares, I hated hearing him scream in pure fear.

"So, Tommy is here-" I cut off George

"Ghostinnit, he likes to be called Ghostinnit. He can still hear and see you guys." George raised an eyebrow but continued to talk.

"So, Ghostinnit is here and listening to everything we have said so far?" I nodded, I had my arms crossed. Tommy was floating with his legs crossed, I could tell he wanted to leave and go to sleep but we needed to stay a little longer. Without meaning to, I let my eyes wander to Fundy, he hasn't said anything since Sapnap told us what has happened. My cheek still stings from his slap, my heart saddened at the thought of him hating me. Sapnap leaned back into his chair and blew out a puff of air.

"This is....a lot." Nobody said anything more, Fundy was the first one to get up and leave, and just like that the meeting was over. George and Sapnap led me to a room where I could sleep and rest, it was small with two beds and one large chest. I thank them, they left letting me rest.

"Dream?" I was in bed laying on my back staring up at the ceiling, Tommy was in the bed next to me.

"Yeah?" He was quiet for a while.

"....Do you think that we have to kill Tubbo?...." I was shocked by his question, and I hated the answer I gave him, but it was the honest one.

"I don't know cato......I don't know...." 

Hello! Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry it took me a while to write it, I was really busy with normal life stuff. School has started for me so chapters might be slow to update, I'm sorry about that. I wish I could spend all of my time writing and vibing to music but you know, life sucks and boring :p oh well, hope all you have a good day/night/afternoon or whenever you are reading this! Remember to sleep and take care of yourself! -Cotton<3 

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