Pregnancy test

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After Picking up the kids Jack and Ethan seem pretty tired from playing at Kayson's but Liv seems fine. 

"Livvy, I need to pick up some things at target wanna come?" I say.

"Sure!" Olivia says.

I pull in the driveway and the boys hop out and run inside, running away from the cold. I text mom and tell her that Olivia and I are going to run some errands and probably pick up some lunch. We pull out of the drive way and I plug my phone into the radio cord and blast some throwback Hannah Montana. Olivia loves this, even though she is my sister and we fight sometimes she really is my best friend. Sure she's 12 but she is pretty mature for her age. 

We arrive at target and grab our masks and walk inside. 

"Want starbucks?" I ask walking over to the part of the store with a little starbucks cafe I already know the answer. 

I order two venti pink drinks. Olivia grabs a cart and we start shopping. I have missed my period for 2 months now but I have been trying not to think about it. I know that I need to but a pregnancy test but I don't want Liv to see. 

"Hey can you go grab a pack of capri suns for me, mom  need them I drank the last one this morning." I ask olivia.

"Yea!" She says walking to the food aisle. 

I quickly grab a pack of tests and hide them under everything else I bought. After shopping we grab some Chick-fil-A and head home. 

I know that I should probably take the test but I'm scared. 

"Lexi, Liv, the boys and I are taking Bixby and Nala for a walk okay?" My mom yells from the top of the stairs. 

Bixby and Nala are our two black labs Bixby is 7 and Nala is 4.

As soon as I hear my mom and the kids leave I walk over to my closet where I hid the tests. I walk into the bathroom and unwrap the cardboard box. I take the test and I am scared to look at it after the waiting time. I sit on the toilet staring at the 2 pink lines on the little plastic stick. I start crying and I hear my phone start to ring. It's a facetime from Josh. I answer it. 

"Baby whats wrong?" Josh says. He can see the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm coming over." He says and hangs up the phone.

Minutes later he is over at my house. I can hear him running up the steps. He opens the bathroom door and he stops in his tracks. He see's the test in my hands and I stand up and he gives me a hug. 

"You-your- your pregnant?" Josh asks

"Yup." I say sniffiling handing him the test. 

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