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I watched his eyes as he stared right back at me.

His dark chocolate eyes, almost appearing as black eyes.

"Yes?" He says after a long time. Not breaking the eye contact.

We were in my room, grey walls, sitting on top of my black covers. Both of us sitting cris-cross-applesauce.

His lips were red and swollen.

'What are we?' I wanted to say. "What are-?" I started to say, but his phone rang.

"Sorry," He said, reaching his hand into his pocket. "Hello?" He asked.

He got up from the bed, and my eyes followed his small figure.

I couldn't hear anything from there. So I anxiously wait to what he has to say after he hangs up.

"Okay," He says to the person. He looks at me, and I look away. But I look at him again.

"Okay yeah bye," He says before he hangs up. He turns around, facing me in the eyes.

"What is it?" I softly ask. The anticipation being heard in my voice.

"I have to go home. My mom is having visitors over and she wants me there to greet her friends daughter," He sighed.

He had to leave. No.

I looked down at my laps. My head lifted by itself, and I had the courage to nod.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," I bid my goodbyes. Pouting that he had to leave, I could see a pout on his lips as well.

"Alright," He nodded and left my room. I plopped my back on the mattress.

Staring at my ceiling, I heard my front door open and then close.

I didn't know I was staring at my plain wall for so long.


It was my phone.

Someone texted me

Please be him.

It was him, he said she's pretty.

I was out for so long thinking about him, that he already got home.

She's pretty.

And of course I answered. Though I didn't know how to respond.

I said, how old is she?

What if she was our age? That wouldn't be good. Does he like her? No, he can't, he just can't. I won't allow it.

He responded.

He said, she's 16, just a year younger than us.

She's 16. Huh. No this isn't good. One of them can catch feelings for each other.

Him and her. Her and him. Him and her. Her and him.

I responded, what? Do you like her or sum?

He was taking a while to answer, and I couldn't wait longer. I didn't double text or call, cause I knew he was eating dinner.

So I took a shower while I waited, but I kept constantly checking my phone to finally see that he was texting.

He said, I mean she's not you. And sorry, I was eating

She's not you.

What does he mean by that?

I responded, is she your type?

But I hesitated before pressing the send button, biting my lip anxiously.

I go to my room and put some clothes on, then I lay on bed.

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