i want you

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"Where is it?" Yoongi's grumpy face turned to face me when I said hello after opening his bedroom door.

"No hello?" I sighed as I closed the door behind me, walking over to him sitting on the chair. His wired piano set in front of him.

"Hello hello," He faked a smile, his classic gummy smile not showing. That's the smile he showed Madelyn.

"Here," I handed him the cold drink, I already stuck the straw in for him. "We're you playing?" I sat down on his bed.

He sighed, "yeah I was."

Silence, not awkward silence though. Just silence, well except from the sipping of Yoongi's iced drink.

Up until Yoongi spoke. "Why'd you come anyway?"

"Had a question to ask you." But I was holding back now.

"What's the question that's so important you couldn't text it to me? Or just say it through the phone?" He sipped some more and turned his body and his seat to face me. "And it better not be about Madelyn-" I brought my lips to his quickly before he could say anything else.

And surprisingly he pushed me back.

"Dude!?" He sounded off.

I didn't understand what was happening. He was supposed to do it back. Just like I did whenever he moved his head closer to mine. I didn't understand.
Why did he do that?

"I have coffee breath." Yoongi pouted, he sounded right now. He took another sip of his drink.

I plopped on the bed sighing.

"Did you come here to just kiss me?" He chuckled.

"That's the word," I sat up, whispering to myself. "That's the word." I said stronger.

"What do you mean?" He took another sip of his drink.

"Why do you kiss me?" Even when you say you like Madelyn, you still kiss me. It's confusing.

Don't think too much, he said that before. Will he say that again?

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "I like your lips," He swirled the straw around in the cup as he looked down. The ice moving against each other. "Do you want me to keep kissing you?" His eyes met mine.

"Do you like Madelyn's lips?" I ignored his question on purpose, looking down at my lap.

"Seokjin." He said, his eyes were on me. "Look at me." And so I stared at his dark chocolate eyes, with his eyes staring back at mine. "You know what a blowjob is?"


I shook my head, no.

"Does it sound familiar?" He asked me, and it did sound familiar.

"You said a similar word that day..." I tried remembering the word. "Handjob."

"I know you liked that," His voice made my body tighten and I closed my legs, trying to keep myself
from smiling.

"How would you feel if I asked you if I can give you a blowjob?" A sly smirk appeared on his face.

The hair on my neck raised.

He got off the chair and sat beside me on his bed, his beautiful hand rested on my left thigh.

"It would make you feel good~" Yoongi smiled at me.

I hesitated before nodding my head yes. "B-but I don't wanna dirty you're hand again!"

"I'm not doing it with my hand this time Jin..." He crouched down and got in between my legs. And I let him spread them apart.

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