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At the end, I got to keep both pictures I took that day.

One of them was when Liam fell on Yoongi when Madelyn tried to push him in the water, where the sky was a breath taking view.

And the other was when I took a group picture of all us wet at the beach. Where the sky and the clouds looked like the perfect view. Us all huddled against each other, are hair going down as water dripped down, all smiles as we looked into the camera.

And not gonna lie, Madelyn looked like the devil. She ruined the picture but at the same time she didn't.

The weekend came and we hung out again. This time we went out to a carnival.

"My mom isn't home tonight, she's out with her boyfriend," Madelyn rolled her eyes as we sat on the public bus, all the way in the back seats. We were on our way over to the place.

She's alone tonight.

"Oh," Liam just said, he laid back against the seat, his feet laying on the seat beside him.

"Well yeah so I can go home whenever I guess today." Madelyn just nodded her head awkwardly. "And tomorrow." She said much quieter.

"Well anyway," Yoongi felt the awkward tension as well. "What ride do you guys wanna go on first?"

"Let's go on scary ones!" Liam happily suggested, slightly jumping up from his seat.

"I wanna go on the pirate ship!" Yoongi grinned. "And get some stuffed animals from those small games."

"Can Yoongi-Oppa win me some stuffed animals!" Why did she have to do that? Doesn't she know it makes her seem so dumb and it's so cheesy.

"Oh, I usually give them to Seokjin," Oh yeah he did. "But I guess I can win some for you too." He shrugged.

"But we're definitely going on the pirate ship guys." Liam happily nodded.

"I swear that ride gives me stomach pain ugh." I chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"Your face is so funny whenever you ride the pirate ship!" Yoongi was bullying me.

"Shut up! Your face isn't any better!" I pushed him, and he pushed me back.

The sun was going down when we bought some popcorn and funny dough at the carnival. The lights on the rides seemed so pretty with the faded moon in the background. Yoongi had won a medium sized hotdog stuffed toy, and a green frog for Madelyn. And all he got me was alpaca stuffed toy. Liam started getting drowsy after all the rides.

"I'ma go buy some Cotten candy, want some?" Madelyn asked us.

"Sure." I smiled, we found a place by some wooden tables and sat on them.

"Yeah get some for me too!" Yoongi rested his head on my shoulder. He was so cute.

"I'll come with," Liam gave us a look and he and Madelyn sat up from the table and walked away to one of the food carts.

"Can you feed me?" Yoongi asked me so sweetly, he sounded pretty tired. Tired little kitten, and I nodded.

I broke a piece of my funny dough with sugar powder on top and brought it closer to his kissable lips.

"Thank you." He said before opening his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and then munched on the snack.

I hummed a mmphm.

"Are you having a good time?" He suddenly asked me after his second bite of food.

"Yeah I am, you?" I wondered why he asked that. Maybe it was just small talk.

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