get closer

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And yet again the devil itself was sitting in my seat.

But then I remembered that Yoongi held my hand as we walked here. And I thought he would only do that with me as I walked to my other seat. The new seat I set up the other day.

Laying my head on my hand as I looked over at Yoongi.

His side profile was the definition of perfect.

The class was too boring to concentrate on when I had beauty to stare at. But the image was often broken when Madelyn's head popped out when talking to him.

"Hey can you pass me that?" A person interrupted me.

"What?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The pencil," He pointed at the floor, a yellow wooden pencil rolled away to the wall.

I leaned over the best I could and gripped the thin pencil with my finger tips.

"Here you go," I just smiled at the boy as I handed it to him.

"Thank you," He smiled back and continued writing what he didn't get to finish.

His name was Ashley, changed it to Liam a few months ago. Always had his hair short since I could remember, and from what I've heard he didn't intend to change that. He still goes to the girls bathroom though.

But his life doesn't concern me.

Madelyn's life concerns me.

The way she thinks she can touch Yoongi's hair, how she tucks his hair behind his ear- Who does she think she is?

A-and Yoongi just smiled, he didn't tell her to stop, he didn't push her hand away. He let her do it.

He let her do it.

One day you're going to a like a person, he said.

I still can't believe he said such words. And he said it in front of me.

He smiled at her, he actually smiles at her. But you know, his smile is different. Whenever he smiled at me, it's a different smile than the one he gives her.

His smile means more when he does it to me.

But then again I sit in front of her at the cafeteria, Yoongi beside me chatting with the rat. And she was still reading her book. Her tray beside her like the other day.

God, her voice was so annoying. Can she just stop talking, like forever?

"Hey you there?" I heard Yoongi's voice, his eyes meeting mine when I turned my head.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled.

"You seem off." Was he worried about me?

"Didn't sleep well again." I slightly lied.

"You could take melatonin if you're having trouble falling asleep and or staying asleep." Madelyn spoke up.

She was budging in Yoongi's and I conversation.

"Thanks for the suggestion," I said, I guess it was an okay idea, just so I wasn't up most of the night thinking about her and Yoongi.

I looked down at my tray, a hot round cheese pizza was inside a wrapper. But thankfully there was my apple.

"Hey Madelyn right?" A guy from our class came up to our table.

I took a bite out of my apple as I saw Madelyn pick her head up and look up at the tan boy. Nodding telling him yes.

"Can I get your number?" He tried to seem confident but he completely failed.

I rolled my eyes, he could do better.

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