brain & heart

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Madelyn said her mom is always with her new boyfriend so she's barely around. And whenever her mom isn't with her new boyfriend then she's working. She says that she's barely at home which means she's always alone.

To be honest it seems like Madelyn has a lot of freedom and really lonely. She doesn't speak about her birth father at all and when I'm over her house I never see any family portraits anywhere.

One day I was over her house and we were alone and I started getting hungry and she offered to make some food. She actually learned how to cook. She told me her mom taught her how to cook a few things before the age of 11 that's when her mom started to disappear from her life. She says that whenever she's hungry that she cooks for herself and always tries something new through YouTube.

That's when I started to go over her house way more often than usual, so she could teach me how to cook. And she's really good if I'm honest, almost good as my mom and my moms food is awesome.

She's pretty independent and responsible actually, she cleans everyday she cooks and she most of the time gets good grades and does her homework and knows how to do laundry. I would say she's great, only if I didn't hate her, duh.

Yoongi's been asking for more of my attention without really saying that question since I've been hanging out with Madelyn more.

Asking me to come over his house or go out bike riding or play Minecraft or super smash bros more often since I've hadn't had much time with him. Literally always answering quicker than usual when I finally answer his text message. And asking me when I'm at school with him on what I've been up to. I've been saying that I'm just a bit busy, also is Madelyn whenever Yoongi asks to hang out with her. Which kind of made me upset that he would go to her when I'm not available. But luckily Liam is there for Yoongi's entertainment.

Another thing that makes me sad is that I haven't kissed Yoongi in over a month and Yoongi isn't pulling me to the bathroom to have a little session like we usual would do. One of the cons of hanging out with Madelyn is that I can't hang out with Yoongi longer after school.

Yoongi would always come to my house after school to hang out and we've still been doing that but Yoongi usually stays until 8 or 9 pm but now he has to leave at 6 or the latest is 7. Cause my mom wants me back home before 9. So that would mean at least 2 hours or a little less if Yoongi leaves at 7, to learn how to cook with Madelyn.

So anyway, a normal dismissal routine after school. Yoongi, Madelyn and I ride our bikes while Liam rides his skateboard all the way to Madelyn's house to leave her. And then Liam also leaves a block before we get to Madelyn's house so he leaves. So it leaves Yoongi and I to get over to my house.

It was so hot outside that Yoongi and I both took times to take a shower so our sweat can go away. I took a shower first so I changed while Yoongi went to go take a shower.

I put some short shorts cause why not and a simple red t-shirt and I was looking for clothes for Yoongi to wear when I heard a knock on my door. I looked back and saw Yoongi's tiny figure between the crack of the now open door. He came in with a white towel covering his whole body, closing the door behind him.

"Here you go." I said as he put his well my clothes on the bed so he could change into.

"Oh thanks," he shyly smiled at me. "Um did your mom leave? I heard the front door open while I was in the shower."

I nodded my head, "yeah she's going to visit my aunt, she won't come back until night."

I saw him slowly nod his head, I'm guessing he was just trying to sink the information in.

"Do you want me to leave?" I suddenly asked since he hasn't started changing yet.

He's usually cool with me see him change, or like be in the same room with him as he changes, I mostly meant the second one though. But with me not so much cause I'm too shy about my body when it comes to him. Cause he's just too handsome compared to me.

"Nah it's fine," he shook his head. He came to sit down on the bed with me.

"What's up?" I asked, I felt like he had a question to ask me.

"Y-you... you think Madelyn likes me?" He asked me, yup a question but a question that kind of made me want him to leave my house. Why did he have to bring her up now? Ugh. "I mean like she hasn't been talking to me much only when we're in school. And I've been trying to reach her and tried making plans with her to hang out but she says she's been busy. Y-you think she's trying to avoid me?"

Fuck, is me making plans with her everyday after school making Yoongi miss Madelyn? If that's the case then, then, then-? Should I stop asking for cooking lessons? Then how am I supposed to cook for Yoongi when he comes back from work 10 years from now? Oh, well I can just look on YouTube I guess? Or I can just ask my mom... but wait, Madelyn... I know I hate the girl but I don't want to make her feel bad if I tell her I want her to stop teaching me how to cook. And also that'll mean that if Yoongi ever asks her to hang out, then she can't say that she's busy cause she's not...

"Jin?" Yoongi asked me which totally took me out of my trance.

"S-sorry," I stuttered as I tried to think, like seriously think for Yoongi. "I-I don't know, maybe she's just actually busy? Or maybe she just doesn't want to talk to you anymore. I heard that she's been talking to someone anyway?" I shrugged, thinking back to that fake insta account I made. Which I ended up giving up on since I've gotten closer to the witch.

"Wait she's talking to someone?" Yoongi confused, he stood up, tightly holding the piece of cloth wrapped around his body. "M-maybe it's just a friend? Right?" He looked at me for help.

"Or maybe she wants to get serious with them Yoongi? Who knows, maybe she's just trying to catch up with their long lost friend?" I shrugged another time, I have to make him forget about her without being too harsh on him.

"Thanks for cheering me up man." Yoongi said in a sarcastic way, later then sighing and standing up.

"Bro!" I loudly scoffed. "You don't need her, she's not even that pretty I don't even know what you see in her anyway." I rolled my eyes.

"That's cause you don't like girls, I do." For some reason that comment just made me upset, and I think I know why.

I didn't say anything to him afterwards, I left my room to think and for Yoongi to change alone.

That's cause you don't like girls, I do.

So I don't like girls... Yoongi likes girls.

Why'd he have to say it like that though? It made me feel bad about myself that I don't like girls... and it made me remember that Yoongi does like girls unlike me, and that's why he has a crush on Madelyn.

Well maybe I should just have a crush on Madelyn then, maybe I could win her over and then I wouldn't have to deal with Yoongi liking her anymore. Oh but then I'll have to deal with Madelyn who likes me and that's- that's really disturbing.

I don't want a dumb girl to come in between Yoongi's and I friendship/relationship. A dumb girl who's basically alone 24/7 except during school.

Damn and he picks her over me? I can't ever pick anyone over Min Yoongi, seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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