Chapter 2"flashback"

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Avneet Pov

Okay so yeah I am kidnapped why? I dont know first let me introduce myself
I am avneet kaur I am 20 year old
sister of famous buisness man nikk singh my parents are dead in car accident when I was of 4 I don't remember them I live in mumbai I dont have a lot of friends I have only one friend arishfa my best friend I have known her since I was 14year old I share everything to her she is like my sister

I am missing her

My brother is very protective toward me he never allow me to go outside without any guard and they follow me everywhere like my shadow but not in my bathroom and in inside of my college.
My college is only the one place where I can do whatever I want ( not everything) actually I cant talk to any boys ,I cant go outside with them but still I am happy

"Be happy with what you are getting. "

I have gone to the club only once in my whole life in my 17th birthday with arishfa and with 50 guard no other boy was there except my 50guards thanks to my brother

I don't have any male friend because of my brother I am hot , beautiful dashing but no use of that boys always want to talk to me And I like that attention but my brother he never allowed me to talk to any boy I love him but I don't like this thing about him. In my whole life I tried one time to go outside with arishfa without my brother permission but he found me then he locked me in my room for two days after that I never did anything like that

possessive brother'
But now I am missing him please come fast
Yeah by the way let me tell you how I am here


"Avneet are you ready" the sound of my best friend voice sent me flying from the to the door to her from entering my room

Oh no today's is my first day of college
I am 3rd year student and today's is my first day and I am late congratulation avneet

I look around for my phone and checked time so akay I have only 20min to get ready

"Avneet I am waiting for you come fast"

"Yeah ari just 10 min "

"Okay but come fast I dont want to be late"
Okay so finally she is gone

I took quick shower and put my clothes on my body I put simple makeup on my face okay so finally I am ready I took my bag,my shoes

Dont forget to take your phone
Yeah thank you

I went down stair the hall but she was not there

"Finally you are ready"he is my brother

"Yeah bhai" "apne ari ko kahi dekha" I stand front of him he is really tall

"Yeah - he want to say more but my phone started ringing

"Ari where are you dont say me that you leaved me"

" No not that actually  I got a call from Papa's manager that Papa is in the hospital."

"Hey what happen is he is fine "

"I dont know  he is not here i have to go to goa so i am sorry but I -"

"Hey no problem idiot go and meet to uncle and stop crying  "

"Hmm today's first day of college dont miss it okay"

"Okay I will go don't forget to call ne"

"Yeah" love u

"Love u too babe "

"Bhai today I am going to drive right, no guards right" I asked to him

"No and today guards will go inside with you as arishfa is not with you

"Bhai no please Now I'm a grown-up I'm of 20 please"

"No means no this is my last decision " 

He kissed my foreheads

"Bye take care"

"You too"

Now I am sitting in my car

"Hey baby doll" he is radhe my driver he said to me while adjusting himself on driver seat


"So who is coming with me"I ask to him while looking outside from the window

"Me and dhairya"  dhairya is also very nice he is something of 45 he is very sweet ,my personal body guard

Dhairya sat next to me so now we are in our way Dhairya was busy in his phone
Radhe didn't say a word to me bcoz he know I am sad I was looking out side from the window

"What happen"

"What happen" they both started staring at me

"Aaah there is a flower shop " I point my finger to the flower shop and there eyes followed my finger

"I want some flower as today's my first day of college so I want to give them to my teachers"

"Okay " Dhairya nooded he open the door and started walking to the shop

And then a car  have come up between the shop and me. What a timing

"  it's been 15 minutes since he's gone you should check  " " I said to radhe first he thought for a second then nooded

"Don't go any where" I nooded now he is also gone

Today the whole universe may make me late

"Didi" I heard a sound I looked at window one girl is there

"What happen" what happen I ask to her with smile

"Di you please take flowers, all your wishes will be fulfilled, you will get what you want"

I smile on her comments then I nooded

"I online want one " she nooded and she gave me one rose its beautiful

"How much" I asked to her

"5"she said in sad tone

Take it I gave her500 rupees with big smile

"Keep it " I can see smile on his face aww she is beautiful

"Thank-you byy"

Byy" now she is also gone

I looked at flower its beautiful   I smell that flower it smells  really good but why I am feeling very sleepy and  then I felt dizzy

So now I am kidnapped by that devil no not devil " Even the devil has a heart, but this great witness doesn't have it." I have to think a new name for Him "

"Mr heartless" good avneet

I can only do this giving names to them as I am alone and I am feeling bore , they had pecked my mouth too so I can't speak anything .

By the way why they kidnapped me for money , or maybe they want my eyes no
Everyone says that my eyes are very beautiful, they can take my kidney if they want but not my eyes please

Shut up avneet stop  I know bhai will find you


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