chapter 17"Freedom"

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5months later
"Avneet come fast"
"Yes mumma" I grabbed my bag went down stairs for breakfast so ya you heard right my mumma now i am living with my full family my mumma,papa or bhai complete family after that incident I asked to my brother about my parents at first he denied because he doesn't want to see them but after he called mumma papa in home I was shocked that they are alive he was right that my parents are alive, they both was guilty my mother she is really beautiful they both apologized to me and I accepted there apologies i accept them because i want to start my life with them I also want to know what is mumma papa love i want my full family and now we are together

I went downstairs and settled my self on my seat "omg mumma this is looking delicious" my mouth was opened full dining table was filled with new new tasty tasty dishes but I am here for pancakes my favourite bhai sat front of me mumma besides me and papa sat on front seat "baccha there is a marriage of my friends daughter after 5days so me and diya we both are going tomorrow" my mouth is filled with pancake I am sad that they are going i looked at mumma she caressed my hair gave me smile I looked at my father who was looking at me and i nooded

"Okay"my bhai said with least interest because he is angry on them he didn't talk freely with them I heard a sound of horn my mouth is filled  with pancake but who cares i grabbed my bag "by mumma"

"Aree"my mumma tried to say more and stop me but i gave her sorry smile because i am getting late

Now I am free like a Bird no guards now i can go club parties alone I can enjoy with my friends  . These 5 months i spent a lot of time with bhai he was always there for me

I opened the door of car and sat on passenger seat "ready" jaan asked "yes"because now we both are going to fly

Jannat, faisu, ritika, Manjul, riyaz they are my new friends now we had shifted in Hyderabad 5 months i had spent my days with my family and friends they are really very nice because of them i forget my past and i had started new life
Jannat and faisu they both are dating to each other and ritika and Manjul too these two couples are very famous on our college

So now we are at college we parked our car and ran to the class
"Now run"Ritika said they all was waiting for us we all ran to the class mam was busy on teaching we are standing on door she looked at us she is hella angry because its not our first time that we all are late" agin you all are late"
"Yes mam" we all said together whole class is looking at us "how are you feeling after getting late" she asked with innocent fake smile but don't judge us mam"very nice mam" we all said together
"Really so GET OUT" we all ran from there and came to the canteen we all was laughing like there is no tomorrow
We all sat on our seat

""What does this teacher consider herself to be?" riyaz said
" Witch" faisu said and we all burst into laughter . Riyaz and faisu gave hi fi to each other they both are twins both are funny always makes us smile

"So tonight let's have a party guys " ritika asked and they all nooded
"Avneet are you not coming"ritika asked they all looked at me "no"
"Why"they all said together

"If you will not come then I am also not coming" riti and jaan said together they both are my bestie they both cared a so much for me

"If you three will not come then what we will do" faisu, riyaz, Manjul said together Manjul is like my elder brother around these three boys I always feel comfortable after my brother
"Party cancel"they all said together

"SHUT UP" I stood from my seat thank god no one is on canteen
I sat " I am not coming because today I am going with bhai "
"Oh okay"

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