Chapter 4 "save me"

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24 hour have passed since that incident I cried full night I don't want to obey him but I have to he can kill anyone then why he didn't kill me I am scared

I hear a door open but I didn't bother to look  who he is I heard a footsteps coming closer then one more sound he kept a plate on table

I know he will not open your hand
Then he started moving closer

"Umm I .. "he didnt said a word and started opening my hand why? Any punishment? No I Looked at him he was pity his hand was shivering but why then again I looked at him he is something of 50

" You can eat I will come  after some time " he said  I looked at him surprised and  he leaved he closed the door with out making any sound I think  he didn't lock really

My hands are free now but i can see bruises on my wrist I opened my legs I tried to stand but i failed but no I have to this is the only chance that i can run from here

"Avneet you can do just forget about your pain you are strong more than mr.heartless you can do just trust on your self" I said to myself first I  ate something before went to the door and yes he didnt he didn't lock

Then I opened the door I pulled out my head before the body got out I started looking  around and thank god no one is here so finally I kept my first step out of this room and I started walking to the left side  this place doesn't look like a home

Why they will keep you in a home 

Then I saw a two man who was talking they was about to turn what I do I hid behind the pillar

I heard a footsteps and both man was talking and finally they left okk  now again I started walking no one is here why? I dont know where i have to go bas mujhe yaha se bahar jana hai after walking a lot I stood in the middle of four paths where I am which type of place is this I heard a sound so finally I am not alone what no i started walking fast and I started looking here and therefore then I bumped on someone I rubbed my head and i looked at him  oh oh  please god mujhe bachalo

"Hey babe"  no he is that man only who brought food for me first time he smirk and started looking at ne from up to down now i am really feeling uncomfortable i turn to run but he held my wrist i started struggling but nothing happen he is strong his grip is strong he pinned me on the wall

"I can help you escape from here, but in return I want something" he smirk I can see his lust full eyes i struggled to get out of his grip but nothing happened someone please save me please

"Le_eave. Me pl_eas_e" 

"Hey stop crying " tears started flowing my wrist started paining because of bruises and his grip he started learning no no avu do something and yes i kicked him where the sun doesn't shine he leaved my wrist and groan in pain i was about to run but he was faster again he held my wrist and then he slapped me  and he bring me closer to his chest

"You bitch you kicked me now who is going to save you haa tell me"  he started leaning  he was about to kiss me but i pushed him  and i started running but then I bumped

Please "save me"

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