chapter 12"friends"

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Nikk pov
It has been
And 2419200seconds i didn't see her ,I didn't listen her voice and today's is her birthday I am really missing her what i had not done to protect her but still today she is not with me I went to my room and took my phone now it is Fully charged there was the three missed calls from unknown number i called him or her but no-one was picking the call
I called rehaan who is my best friend, partner or as well as hacker

"Rehaan i am sending you one number i want details "

"Okay but may I ask you why, wait are you thinking that it could be her "

"I don't know but i have feelings and i don't want to take any risk"

I will find her by myself i don't want to take help of them because of them only my sister is suffering
Next day
Lucky pov
In front of me most beautiful girl is sitting I know her we used to play a lot together when we were young She used to fight with me for a simple thing omg but now she is changed now is is young, beautiful, I was admiring her but my friend can not see me happy
"Luckyyy"some one shouted in my ears

"What the hell jai why are you shouting
i have ears i can listen" now they all are looking at us reem ari they both are chuckling and Siddharth who was busy on his work now he is looking at me with serious look and Jai I really want to kill him

"Ohh you have ears but I doubt it I am calling you from five minutes but still you was busy on admiring someone" why the hell he is my friend sometimes i really asked to god what i had done haa

"You must have done something good that's why he is your friend  Otherwise why would anyone be friends with you stupid boy " A childish voice came to my ears, I know who she is i was wrong only her size is changed but she didn't now also she can read my mind

"Oh Hello I am not stupid ok"

"But i didn't said your name stupid boy"

"Woh- i- "

"She have point stupid boy"my most lovable brother said i really want to kill him

"Jai  Shut up or else he will cry like he used to cry in childhood" they both gave hi-fi to each other why they all are taking her side

"Shut up you both either I will kill you guys" my saviour my most lovely sister said i went to her who is sitting beside ari my sister reem I hugged her I can feel someone jealousy

"Thank you "

"Ahem ahem she is mine stay away from her" i don't know why he is jealous she is like my sister.

"I know but  Remi why didn't you find me"I wipe my fake tears dramatically.

" maybe someone else is waiting for you" she said she looked at me then i followed her eyes who stopped at ari who is coughing i went to her and I passed her  her water

"Are you okay ari"  reem asked she really understands me


Sidd pov

We all are sitting on my own restaurant they all are talking and i am busy on my work my phone started ringing I excused myself went from there

"Sir he sent me one number and he is asking for details and sir this number is of reem mam"How I can forget about yesterday night she tried to call his brother
" Sent him right information except the city name"

"Yes sir"

As i said my mens are there with him he is also one of them nikk believes him a lot nikk is really innocent, kind hearted man who really don't want violence I am really impressed by his protectiveness towards his sister sometimes I really feel jealous to him because she have sister I really want to see him fighting for her sister

After 2days

Now we all are sitting on my other house where we all used to play on our childhood days, a lot of memories are there  now we are discussing about  marriage I really don't want to talk about that but still they are talking

"I also want to marry" jai said winking at reem and she blushed why the hell I am here between loveie dovies

"Nooooo don't" lucky shouted sometimes I really feel that he is not human he is animal  and now i am sitting between the animals

"Why you have problem" jai and arishfa said together I can understand about jai but why arishfa

"Yes I have because i dont want to became mama or chacha I am so young guys" lucky said and we all Started laughing except reem who is blushing and jai who is really trying to hide his blush under the anger he stood and went to lucky he was about to his shoulder but reem stopped him reem and lucky they both are really close to eachother they both share bro-sis bond and jai never complain about there closeness because he loves reem a lot and lucky always make her smile with his jokes

After a really long time we all are together

"Sid what are you thinking" reem asked i Shooke my head

"Guy's I want our friends hug because i really missed you"

We all stood And hugged except reem ari gesture to her to join us and all hugged
Me ,jai, lucky, arishfa we know eachother from childhood me, lucky and jai we met reem 5year ago

Reem and arishfa They did not know each other before they both are meeting to each other here only and i am  happy that they are talking to each other freely
Only they are my family I don't have anyone except them I trust them more than my self I have father for just name because we never share father-son bond
We broke the hug and my phone started ringing

"Boss your father is there" 

why he is telling me

"So what i do " I was about cut the call
Bo_ss  Don_'t  c_ut  t_he  cal_l  h_e  i_s  i_n he_r  roo_m  an_d he_'s  v_ery  an_gry an_d h_e kno_ws abou_t tha_t da_y tha_t sh_e sla_pp_ed yo_u "

He is in her room And he knows that she slapped me that day i know my father he can do anything to her and especially she is girl i really don't want to admit that but she is beautiful

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