Chapter 11 - Second Proposal

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Megan stood with her back to the car as she watched the planes land in the airport, her hair was being pushed around by the wind, but other than that it was a great day, weather wise that is. Her sweat soaked tank top stuck to her skin due to the three human furnaces that she was sitting with in the car. She wrinkled her nose and gently and slowly peeled off her tank top, leaving her in her sports bra.

All three men watched her with their interest piquing, "If I haven't said this before, I'll say it now, you're an idiot." Sam said as he watched Megan mindlessly play with her hair, looking out through the garage's long, open panels. Little did they know she was lost in thought, thinking about the conversation her and Steve had had only a few hours earlier.

Steve stopped the car near a forested area, he looked back at Megan, "Meg, you and I need to talk. You two," he said, pointing strictly at Sam and Bucky, "stay here and stay out of trouble. You hear me?" They both nodded gruffly and Steve grunted, getting out of the car and opening Megan's door.

"What a gentleman. Hope you're not lookin' to kill me in this forest, Rogers." Steve grinned at Megan, "Nah. Too many people come on this trail, I need a good hiding place for the body." Megan shook her head, chuckling, she hadn't realized how much she missed these simple interactions with Steve until now. But she couldn't just go running back in his arms after what he did.

The two walked a little ways ahead into the trail and then Steve stopped, leaning against a tree and turning to look at Megan. Even sweat soaked, tired and sleepy, she was still the most beautiful woman Steve had ever laid eyes on. He thought about what Sam had said to him back at the compound, "You're an idiot." Sam told him and it was true, he was. How could he even think to cheat on someone as amazing and gorgeous as the woman in front of him.

Megan looked into his eyes and held up her arms, "You've got me out here, Rogers. Talk." Steve gulped and nodded, "Right. Well, I..." he trailed off, his throat was suddenly dry in front of Megan, he didn't know why she had this effect on him, but she did. Megan raised an eyebrow, her arms crossing over her chest. Steve took a deep breath and nodded to himself, "That kiss with Sharon meant nothing. I only kissed her so you could see the emotions in my eyes. Were there any? Any at all?"

Megan frowned, "No." She stated plainly and Steve nodded. "You remember when I used to kiss you, you always said, my eyes had a million emotions in them, love, lust, passion, compassion." Megan bit her lip and nodded, "Well, I only kissed her to show you that no other woman except for you means anything more as just a friend to me in this world, in this whole damn universe." "The problem isn't Sharon, Steve. I know she meant nothing, what I don't know is what Romanoff meant to you?"

Steve took a shaky breath, "Natasha meant nothing more than a best friend to me, and I don't even know what came over me that day to have kissed her again. You have to believe me Meg, she means nothing compared to what you mean to me. The comparison is bleak, pale and weak. She knows that, I know that, now it's time for you to know that as well." Steve took a risk and approached Megan, placing his hand under her chin and one around her waist, bringing her closer and raising her gaze to meet his. "No matter if we're together or not, my heart will always belong to you. I love you."

Steve leaned forward to kiss Megan and she subconsciously found herself leaning in as well. Their breaths ghosted over the others lips which were about to touch... "Steve, Meg, Patrol officer coming our way." Sam said into the comm, "Damn it." Steve hissed, he looked over at Megan one last time and made a run for it back towards the car as Megan easily just transported. She ended up sitting on Sam's lap in the backseat, "Oh yeah. I could get used to this." Sam mumbled as he felt Megan shift on his lap.

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