Chapter 17 - Howard Rogers

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1 month later...

Life at the compound was slowly beginning to get back into routine as Bucky, Pietro and Peter joined the team. Peter was rarely around, but when he found time to fly in, it was always pleasurable. There were still rifts between team members, especially between Wanda and Pietro, but everyone tried to get over it. Tony was still stuck in the RAFT and Megan couldn't care less, why should she? He lied about her family's deaths, he lied about being her father, he gave her away to a horrible household. Sure he was 15 when he had her, but that was no excuse to just give her away.

And now... when the funeral was taking place, she didn't want him anywhere near her or her baby boy. Megan and the rest of her friends drove out to the church and she sat there rigidly until the priest called her up for a eulogy. Megan walked up the stairs, feeling as if she was walking through molasses, taking slow and measured steps. Finally she made it to the top of the platform and gripped the sides of it so her legs wouldn't give way under her.

"His name was going to be Howard, Howard Rogers." Megan began, looking at Steve who nodded subtly, encouraging her to continue. "He was supposed to be our little bundle of joy, a part of me and Steve in this world, someone that took the good from both of us and made it better. He was going to be a wonder, a hidden gem, someone that... that cared not only about others but about the whole world, someone's who's mere presence made this world a better place."

Megan took a shaky breath, "But he was snatched away, snatched away too quickly. I heard his small cry before I blacked out and a small part of me told me that he was going to be okay, that I could rest now." Megan glanced down at her shaking hands, "I resent that part of me, if only I had stayed awake, perhaps... perhaps I could've brought him back with my powers, perhaps he would be alive and healthy."

Tears filled her eyes as they got blurry, she looked up at her friends, her family's supportive faces. "They say losing a child is the worst pain a woman can experience, but I know that the worst pain any mother can experience is losing a child while knowing she could've done something. I'm sorry sweet, sweet baby boy, I'm sorry mommy wasn't there for you, I'm sorry I couldn't save you, more importantly, I'm sorry I put you in harm's way. If I could go back in time and save you, I would... I'm sorry, baby."

Megan stepped back from the podium, Steve rushing up and taking her in his arms as he brought her down from the platform and sat her beside him on the stiff stools of the church.


"I can create a haze if you'd like, make sure those reporters don't see anything." Vision mumbled and Megan nodded numbly, "Yes, thank you." Vision's gem glowed as he fogged up the sky around the Avenger's even more so than it already was, giving the team some privacy as they watched Sam and Bucky gently lower the small coffin into the ground. "Maybe we should give them some space." Natasha mumbled and Megan looked over at her gratefully, the past month Natasha had tried, endlessly, to repair her and Megan's friendship and it worked. Of course it helped when Natasha mentioned that she was over her feelings for Megan and Steve and was now solely in love with Bucky.

Megan watched as the team left, Wade leaning close and kissing her cheek before wrapping his hand around Sam's and walking away as well. Megan knelt down in front of the tombstone, she laid a hand on the fresh soil and did nothing more. She simply felt his presence with her hand, she felt his soul travelling into Elysium and she smiled, knowing he would be happy with his uncle Faaz. Steve walked up behind Megan and placed one arm on her shoulder, while the other hand rested on her own on the dirt.

She felt the grass crunch behind her and she just assumed it was Vision, that is until she looked up to see Tony approaching her and Steve. Steve's hands balled into fists as he barely contained his anger and hurt, "What are you doing here?" Steve spat and Tony flinched, "Got a day pass from RAFT, wanted to say goodbye to my grandson." Megan looked up at him, his face tired and weary, adding on at least 20 more years than his real age, 43. Tony crouched down next to Megan and she sat still, staring at him. "Who told you?" She started, she had told the team of Tony being her real father, so she knew one of them must've blabbed. "Peter, on his last visit." Megan scoffed, of course it would be Peter.

"Go away, please." She requested quietly and Tony held back his tears, "I can't. I left you once, I've hurt you more times than I can count and I'm not looking for forgiveness, just for some compassion." Tony held out a hand, but stopped once Megan recoiled, he kept his hand there and slowly Megan inched forwards, grabbing it in her own small hand. "Megan no, he killed our child." The two looked up at Steve who was crying freely, "He's my dad, Steve." "He never acted like one." "I brought something that might help." Tony mumbled, pulling out a paper and handing it over to Steve.

Steve looked over the paper and choked out a sob, "No..." "I'm sorry." Megan looked over at the two confused, she held out her hand and Steve handed her the paper. It basically explained how her baby would've died either way as he was already weak due to improper care or negligible behaviour on the account of the mother. Megan held a hand over her mouth as her sobs wracked her entire body, "Dad, help." She mumbled as she leaned into Tony who wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to his chest. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."


Tony's prison guard came up and hauled him off after a few minutes, as Megan and Steve's car drove nearer to the compound, she saw dozens of reporters there. "Fuck." She hissed, Steve protectively threw his arm around her shoulder as she walked in, trying to ignore the reporters with her face down. "Mrs. Rogers, is it true that Tony Stark, your dad murdered your child in a rage?" She ignored all other questions, but that question made her blood boil. She whipped around to face the reporter who was smirking.

She took a deep breath and walked up the stairs of the compound and turned around, facing the reporters below her. "Me and my family, which by the way includes every single person living in this compound, are deeply saddened by a family tragedy. Instead of being sympathetic and human towards the people that save your boring lives, you're torturing us with questions? All of you need to get the fuck off of my property before I start using my powers." Megan watched as the reporters all paled and scrambled over each other to run back to their cars, she looked at the messed up greenery, "You people have no care for lawn maintenance." she mumbled, wrapping her arms tighter around her to brave the cold wind.

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