Chapter 12: The Broken Seal

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Aika arrives at the bridge that is filled with fog. She saw Sakura standing in front of Tazuna while Kakashi was in a face off with Zabuza.

"Sakura!" Aika shouts as she ran over

"Aika" Sakura looks at her surprised "you're here"

"yeah I'm here" Aika looks around "where are the boys?"

"In there" Sakura points to a circle of large ice mirrors

"thanks" Aika runs off towards it

"Wait don't go in there!" Sakura shouts

"too late!" Aika shouts as she continues running

"Aika!" Kakashi shouts

Aika stops and looks at him

"focus" is all he says before going back to his fight

Aika smiles before she jumps in, immediately she deflected a needle headed towards Naruto and landed right in front of the boys.

"Aika!" the boys shout

"Aika Uzumaki is here!" Aika turns to them "what's up- oh my god you two look terrible"

"What the hell are you doing in here you idiot?!" Sasuke yells at her

"well I uh.." Aika rubs her head "I thought I'd help"

"you shouldn't have come in" Naruto grabs her shoulders "it's dangerous"

"Naruto everything in the world is dangerous" Aika takes his hands and pulls them off her shoulders "if I don't take things head on now then I'll never learn" she turns to Sasuke "give me the update here Uchiha, what's going on?"

"so you're finally learning" Sasuke looks at her "well this Haku guy can use these mirrors to jump around us with great speed, attacking us from different sides and no of our attacks can hit him while he's in the mirrors. We only have the split time he jumps to another mirror to attack him."

"these are ice mirrors though" Aika says "have you tried melting them?"

"Of course" Sasuke eyes Haku "but we need a lot more heat"

"any idea's little sis?" Naruto asks

"nope none" Aika replies

The two boys look dumbfounded at her response.

"are you all done with the reunion?" Haku questions

"Boys we've got to try to get him out of his mirrors or he'll always have the advantage" Aika takes her battle stance "let's get to it"

"right!" the two agree

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto headed towards Haku

Aika grabs a couple of shuriken from her punch and threw them all at the same time at Haku. Haku dodged the shuriken and moved away from Naruto.

"Aika!" Sasuke shouts

"Fireball Jutsu!" Aika and Sasuke shout

The two aimed at Haku together, they burned some of Haku's pants before he got back into a mirror.

"Damn it" Aika curses "we were close"

"Naruto, can you do it again?" Sasuke asks

"Huh? Of course! Nothing can stop me, believe it!" Naruto shouts in response

"He's getting tired" Aika tells Sasuke "I can see it"

"He's got no choice but to use it, I need your help trying to hit this guy with fireballs" Sasuke says

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