Chapter 30: The Third Hokage Forever: the Strongest

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Aika opened her eyes to see a white ceiling above her with a dimly lit light as to not hurt her eyes, she was in the hospital.

"I'm.. alive.." she mutters

"Aika you're awake!"

Aika looks over to see her big brother, he himself was in bandages from what looks like a bad fight but there he was, sitting next to her bed.

"Naruto.." she says

"Hold on" Naruto runs out of the room and could hear him shouting down the hall "Sakura! Sasuke! Haruto! Kakashi-Sensei! She's awake hurry up!"

Naruto came back into the room and soon entered her teammates and sensei.

"Hey kiddo how are you doing?" Kakashi asks

"I'm alright.." she replies quietly "what happened?"

"A lot" Sasuke sits next to her and puts his hand against her forehead "you're a bit warm still, that fire of yours is really hot"

"You're all injured" Aika says looking at all of them "why aren't you resting?"

"We're alright, we were more worried about you" Sakura tells her

"Gaara lost control of Shukaku and was rampaging in the forest" Haruto explains "Naruto brought him down there"

"...Shukaku?" Aika asks confused

"The one tail beast, Gaara's a jinchuriki like Naruto" Kakashi clarifies

"...he was a jinchuriki" Aika grips the sheets, which Haruto and Sasuke noticed

"Yeah, but your big brother took care of things like always" Naruto grins "you were rushed to the hospital by Kakashi-Sensei, he burned his hands carrying you"

"huh really?" Aika looks up at his hands which were indeed burned, not too badly though "I'm so sorry sensei"

"It's alright" Kakashi waves his hand "it was an after affect of phoenix soul, your body temperature was super high from all that fire, who taught you that dangerous jutsu"

Haruto quickly turns his head away and whistles.

"A scroll I found" Aika half lies

"a scroll?" Kakashi questions "on your kekkei genkai?"

"mhm" Aika nods and looks outside "it's raining.."

"I bet it's because the heavens are crying" Kakashi says looking outside "saddened by the loss of a great man"

"Loss of a great man?" Aika looks confused

Naruto looks down "the old man.. he's dead.."

"L-Lord Hokage's dead?!" Aika shouts sitting up but feels a lot of pain in her side "ah"

"Easy" Sasuke grabs onto her shoulders "you're gonna reopen your wound, be careful"

"..but.." Aika looks down

"Come on everyone Aika just woke up" Kakashi speaks "the funeral is soon and Naruto should help Aika change"

"Yeah" Naruto agrees

The group all left the room except for Naruto, he then helped Aika change into her clothes for the funeral. He knocked on the door once they were done and the group walked back in. Sasuke walked over to the bed and picked up Aika.

"S-Sasuke" Aika hold onto him to not fall

"let's go" Sasuke says ignoring her

"Hey Sasuke I can carry her!" Naruto shouts

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