Chapter 17: Chūnin Challenge: Rock Lee vs. Sasuke!

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"Aika!" Naruto shouts from the kitchen "Haruto!"

Haruto walks into the room already dressed and ready, he yawns as he looks at Naruto "what are you shouting about?"

"The Chunin exams are today!" Naruto shouts excitedly "we can't be late"

"yeah and we won't be late, we still got time to get there" Haruto tells him

"But Aika's still sleeping" Naruto tells him as he gets pocky out of the cabinet

"Again" Haruto pacepalms

The two male ninja walk into the bedroom to see Aika laying halfway off the bed, asleep.

"Aika" Haruto shakes her "Aika wake up!"

"no" Aika turns over and hugs her pillow

"But the Chunin exams are today" Naruto whines "we gotta go"

"It starts at 3" Aika mutters

"It's 2pm!" Naruto shouts "We all slept in for extra energy, but we gotta go now"

"Noooo" Aika whines and burries her head in her pillow

"Come on Aika" Haruto sighs and rubs the back of his neck "geez, how are we gonna get her up?"

"Oh I know" Naruto smiles and kneels down next to the bed "Princess" he rubs her head "it's time to wake up your highness"

"huh?" Haruto stares at them confused

Aika opens one of her eyes "hm?"

"It's time to wake up princess, I got your pocky all set and we got to get going working on today's agenda" Naruto grins happily

"Oh alright" Aika sighs as she sits up in bed and rubs her eyes

"great, we'll be outside while you get ready" Naruto stands up

Naruto and Haruto walk out of the room so Aika could get ready. Haruto stares at Naruto with a curious look on his face as they stand in the kitchen.

"What?" Naruto looks at him

"Why'd you call her princess and say all that stuff.. it's a bit strange" Haruto asks confused

"Oh, while me and Aika grew up as orphans, all we had was each other" Naruto leans against the counter "We had just started school, and a lot of boys used to pick on her. She would cry while I ran over and beat them up. Aika was more sensitive then me and worried about me fighting so I always told her we were playing a game. 

I told her she was the princess and I was her knight, as long as she listened to me as her big brother, I would always protect her" Naruto smiles sadly "and growing up I guess it just became a thing we did, if I asked her to do something she'd do it, as long as I called her princess. After awhile Sasuke started doing it too, and I guess she gained another knight"

"Naruto.." Haruto looks sad "I-"

"But I guess she also just loves the nickname Princess" Naruto smiles "she's one strange little girl"

"...yeah" Haruto agrees

"I'm ready" Aika walks out of her room in her ninja gi with her hair down

"Ah, you forgot your pigtails" Naruto points out

"Oh" Aika looks in the mirror "I guess so"

"Here I got it" Haruto offers walking over

Aika watches Haruto as he takes ties and puts her hair in their normal pigtails.

"thank you.." Aika says before walking to Naruto and taking her pocky from him "alright boys" Aika puts a pocky in her mouth "let's head out and kick some ass!"

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