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I woke up to the sound of voices saying my name...

"Cailyn...wake up...you have to save them...you have to save them all..."






I jumped up quickly, holding up my fists in a defensive manner, "Wha- huh! What is it!?" I shouted anxiously. I checked my surroundings, seeing that I was in some sort of infirmary.

Well, it was more like a bedroom with white everything.

"It was just a dream." I mumbled. Getting up and swinging my legs over the bed. I slowly walked out of the room, seeing that I was still in my home.

"Huh, Dad and Mom still aren't back yet. Weird..." I shrugged and went to the kitchen, searching for bowls in the cabinets. Once I found one, I reached for the Frosted Flakes and Cinnamon Toast Crunch at the top of the fridge.

I excitedly poured both cereals in the bowl. Once I finished, I took the bowl. I argued with myself, thinking if I should or shouldn't put milk. I hummed, leaving the kitchen and deciding on going without the milk.

I went the living room, switching the TV on and watching anything that was on cable. Currently, Grease 2 was on and I sat, listening to the song that they were singing about the mysterious biker and how cool he was.

I hummed the words, since I had seen this movie before and I ate my cereal. I then heard sounds from the bathroom, "Oh no, not this again." I sighed.

I quietly went towards the room and saw the door was open. I slowly opened the door fully.

The bathroom was empty. "Huh." I shrugged. I turned around and saw a bright light shining from the living room.

 I quickly ran upstairs and closed my bedroom door, stupidly forgetting to lock it. I ran inside of the bathroom in my room and grabbed my phone.

I dialed the cops and shakily spoke as the operator asked for my emergency, "Uh, I think someone's in my house." They told me to stay calm and I breathed in, trying to chill out.

I suddenly heard my door open and I gasped, covering my mouth and rushing over to the shower, climbing inside. 

"My bedroom door just opened. I-I'm hiding in my shower." "Okay, good, stay there. We'll dispatch officers and they'll be there in twe-" the line cut and went to static.

 "What the..." I whispered.

I slapped my hand back over my mouth at the sound of my bathroom doorknob jiggling.

When it finally stopped, I crept out of the shower and slowly opened the door, checking outside and seeing nothing. I sighed and quietly left the bathroom.

Then, someone's grabbed me from behind. I screamed, trying to pry their arms off of my waist. I felt a blow come to my head and I became dizzy and tired.

I was released, but the attack to my head caused my vision to haze and I fell to the floor.

 Why was this happening to me? What was going on? 

I was terrified and I struggled to stay awake. But, the pain and ringing in my head was over-bearing and I passed out.

"You'll never take her from me!" 

"That isn't your choice to make. She will be safer here. We need to hurry."

"No, you won't take my baby!"

"We don't have time for this! He is coming, we must go!"


"Huh....?" I woke up. I found myself lying in the middle of a floor, tape around my wrists and legs. I began to panic, but I stopped, hearing voices in a room nearby.

I remembered what my dad taught me and started to push my hands together through the tape, causing it to rip.

I pulled it off and did the same to the tape around my ankles.

"Those voices sound weirdly familiar...." I mumbled.

"We need to get her talking. She's gonna get up soon and we don't know what she's capable of, but we know we need her." A fearful voice spoke.

"What? Are they talking about me?" I whispered to myself. 

"I know, but we did just kidnap her. And tape her up. She's probably not gonna want to help. Plus, she looks like she's just a kid."

I scoffed at the other person's words. 

I exited the room, but not before searching for a weapon of some kind. I found a baseball bat and held it up walking through the hallway. 

"But, we all read the message. She has to help us, it's the only way to save our universes and many others." A female voice replied to the other two.

I made it the room where the voices were coming from. I peeked around the corner and gasped, my eyes widening. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


Literal cartoon characters!

I was having a heart attack. All of my favorite characters? Here? Real?! I took a step back, accidentally hitting something. I looked behind me, seeing what I had hit. 

"What was that?" I heard someone's voice.

I ran away, hiding behind a giant, plant pot. I peeked out at them all, watching them search for me.

"She's awake!" A voice startled me from behind and I was quickly surrounded. 

"Oh, finally!" "Took you long enough!" "Can you help us!" They bombarded me with questions. I was overwhelmed and began to breath heavily. 

"STOP!" A voice yelled. "Can't you see your making her uncomfortable?" It was Connie, from Steven Universe. You jumped as she held your arm, "Characters. Here. Living. Real." I spoke to myself.

"Is she okay?" Steven asked. I looked at him, wanting to cry so bad. I tried to hold it it, but failed, letting out small hiccups.

I stood up, staring at him in disbelief, "I missed you so much!" I cried. I hugged his waist, confusing Steven, "W-What?" 

I smiled, letting him go and telling him to not worry about it. Then, I stayed silent for a good three seconds before shouting, "WAIT YOU'RE ALL HERE!? WHY!? HOW!?" 

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