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I made my way back home quickly. I was home alone because my parents went out to get birthday stuff.

My name is Cailyn Cole, but everyone calls me CeCe. I had just turned 13 today and I assumed I would feel more 'mature' than before. But, everything just feels the same. Nothing has changed. I'm just the same old, useless, unimportant me.

I was bored and decided I wanted to watch TV. I flicked through Hulu and came across Steven Universe. Tears formed in my dark-brown eyes as I saw the young teen on the front photo. The show recently ended and everytime I saw something related to it, I felt strong emotions. My heart ached and I quickly switched to a different show.

I took ragged breath, trying to forget about Steven. I clicked on The Amazing World of Gumball and sighed with relief at the theme song played. The joyful music lifted my spirits and wiped Steven Universe from my mind.

In the 'Steven Universe' Universe...

"Call Steven! It could be something big!" Pearl squawked. Amethyst quickly grabbed her phone and fumbled with it, trying to type Steven's number in. Since this morning, strange quakes have been happening everywhere. The gems didn't know what to do, so they called Steven. It's been a year since he left and things have gone back to normal. Except for the everyday visits from the Diamonds and Spinel.

Which is who was here right now with the Crystal Gems. The panic in Amethyst's tone was very clear as she spoke into the phone. Garnet stormed into the room, "I've located he exact location of the source of the earthquakes! We can't wait for Steven to arrive, we gotta go! Tell him to warp to the Mask Island!" She yelled.

"Spinel, we might need your help! C'mon!" Garnet added quickly. Spinel stretched her way to the warp. In a flash of blue light, they were gone.

In the 'The Amazing World of Gumball' Universe...

"Gumball! Give me back my Daisy!" Anais screamed. She chased her brother upstairs, an evil and demonic look on her face. The blue cat huffed and puffed, clearly tired from running for so long. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his leg and tripped, falling backwards down the stairs. When he got back up, his face was covered in bruises and he was missing three teeth, "Huh, I was expecting worse." He said.

Then, the ground shook, causing him to fall again and land on a skateboard. The small vehicle rolled backwards out of the, coincidentally, opened door. He slammed into the bright yellow car and his entire face ended up being snatched off by the mailbox. The boy mumbled something and Anais rolled her eyes, "That was as understandable as a rapping baby with a muscular dystrophy." She said.

Gumball sighed internally and grabbed a pencil from his pocket, writing his face back on. "Firstly, that sounds like a baby would walk around with it's mouth open and you would see a six pack on it's tongue. Secondly, I said 'What was that rumbling?'." He repeated. "Guys, look at this!" Anais and Gumball heard their brother Darwin call them.

They came back inside, Anais snatching Daisy from her oldest brother on the way. "Look at the TV!" Darwin said, pointing his fin at the box-shaped device.

Mike the Microphone Guy, who was the reporter, began to speak, "This morning, a large earthquake occured. It is unclear how long they will continue. The next one is said to happen in approximately 2 seconds." He finished.

The ground shook again and the three siblings on the couch, along with their parents who had joined a few minutes ago, fell off of the couch and groaned in pain. Mike continued to speak, "The source of the earthquakes was located in the City Hall."

Gumball and Darwin gazed at each other silently. Nicole knew what was going on and glared at her kids, "No! Don't even think abo-" They both sped out of the house at light speed and Nicole sighed, going to follow them. But, someone else followed too...?

Meanwhile in our universe...

I was listening to my Anime OP Playlist. I was bobbing my head to the beat, when I heard a sound. It was definitely coming from the downstairs. "The perfect day to be kidnapped. Well, at least I made it to my teens."

"Ayo, whoever's downstairs, can you bring me some popcorn?" I yelled. No answer. "C'mon, even if you're probably some murderer or a human trafficker, can you at least have some manners?" I mumbled. I suddenly heard glass breaking and my eyes widened, "Oh, heck no! I know I did not just hear somethin' shatter!" I said angrily.

I made my way down the steps and grumbled, "Bruh, now I gotta clean this up, man." I said, staring at the broken bowl on the floor. I swept it up, but stepped on some glass. Tears of utter pain came to my eyes but I forced them back. "I can ready hear my Mom sayin' somethin' like ' That's why I be tellin' y'all to wear slides in this kitchen! '" Then, I noticed something sitting on the counter.

It was a weird piece of paper. I grabbed it, stupidly, and read the front. It said 'open me! :)'. I laughed and thought, "Hahaha! Wow, this is pretty freaky." I opened the note. Or what I thought was a god dang note, because it just turned into a freakin' vortex!

I got sucked inside and screeched as my vision blurred. My body froze with fear as I thought of the worst. Well, goodbye not so cruel world...

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