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Rebecca Sugar...

Benjamin Bocquelet...

These are the names of legendary mortals on Earth. They were given the blessing of the Gods to create masterpieces on our planet. These people were called Carriers. Some of their work made us laugh, cry, angry, happy, and helped us through hard times.

But, the prophecy tells of someone who will one day try to destroy all of that. But, only the chosen ones can stop this person. With the help from the daughter of Dionysus, Goddess of Entertainment.

No one knows who the chosen ones are, but clues were given. Both Carriers were given an item that would tell them the secret to who was their chosen individual.

The first to receive a clue was Rebecca Sugar. She was given a shard of a Rose Quartz gemstone. Then, Benjamin Bocquelet had gotten the scale of an orange fish and the fur of a strange blue cat.

The Carriers questioned the Gods, asking why they had gotten these strange things. The Gods responded, "In a few years, you will need these things. When Dionysus gives birth to her child, she will have to send them down to your world and remove some of their godly power. But, her child will keep half of the power. When the demi-god child turns 13, you will have to give them your items. I will explain everything else to them."

The Carriers nodded in understanding doing what they were told to do with their objects. They hid them away from the world until the day Dionysus' child was born. That day would be very soon...

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