Chapter Eight

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"That's a really nice ring London," Arianna said "thank you. Oscar proposed yesterday and I wanted you to see it first" London replied "he is one lucky guy" "would you look at the time I should be going" "okay see you later". Before London left she helped Arianna clean up the bar and take down the decorations and then sweep and mop the floors. Once everything was all clean Arianna hugged London goodbye then stayed a few more minutes to lock everything up. London walked out of the nightclub and walked to her car but stopped when she heard something behind her. She looked around and saw nothing but she felt somebody watching her which made her quickly get in her car. When she adjusted her car mirrors she saw a man sitting in the back seat smiling at her. London screamed and tried to get out of the car but the man in the back seat grabbed her head and banged it on the car window which made her pass out. A few hours later London woke up tied to a table in what seemed to be a studio. "Who are you," London asked with fear in her tone "call me Javna" Javna answered "please don't do this. Let me go. Please. LET ME GO". Javna smiled at her then his eyes began to glow red and then a red laser shot out of his eyes and went into London's. She screamed then slowly started to age up to the point where she became a frail old lady and then she passed out. Then once London became old Javna became young again which made him smile and let her go.

                                                           The Next Day

When Sean woke up he came downstairs for breakfast with Jayda and to grab some coffee before he had to go off to work. He and Jayda laughed while they ate then stopped when Michael and Arianna walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Once his siblings showed up Sean kissed Jayda goodbye then got ready and left for work but before he left he said goodbye to Jayda and his two siblings. While he was driving he noticed an elderly woman crossing the street so he stopped the car and signaled at her telling her she could go. Once the lady crossed Sean started driving again until he reached Aaron's then he parked the car and went inside. When Sean went inside he clocked in and started filling in orders and cleaning the floors. "Hey did you hear what happened," Jeffery asked while dicing onions "what are you talking about" Sean replied "that girl who works at the night club with your sister went missing" "London" "yeah" "that's terrible". Sean continued cooking and then texted his brother about London just in case it was supernatural. While he was cooking the TV in the kitchen turned on and it was a news report telling the viewers about more missing girls. Sean gasped and then asked his manager if he could get the rest of the day off and once he agreed he clocked out and got into his car then drove home. While driving he grabbed his phone and called his brother, "hey did you get my texts" "yeah I did and It could be demonic. I'll look in the book" "okay I'm almost home. See you soon" "bye".

Right after Sean left for work Arianna immediately got ready then said goodbye to Jayda and Michael then got into her car and drove to the nightclub. Once she got there she unlocked the doors and went inside to start setting up and to make sure everything was in order. She looked around and noticed a couple of chairs and drinks missing so she asked one of the workers to go get them. When everything was almost set up she remembered she left the napkins in the trunk of her car so she grabbed her car keys to go get them. Once she got the napkins she headed back inside but stopped when she saw the famous photographer Stefan walking with a girl down the street. She walked up to him and said "oh my god Stefan. Sorry to interrupt you I'm just a huge fan" "it's alright we were just done talking. See you soon Rebecca" Stefan said "was that your girlfriend" "no she is one of my models. Maybe you can model for me sometime". Arianna smiled and then agreed with him then he wrong his studio address on her phone and then left. Once Stefan left Arianna walked back into the club and handed one of the workers the napkins to put away. Then she grabbed her phone and noticed seven texts from Sean telling her about London and the other missing girls. "Hey, Tim can you finish setting up with the others. I have an emergency at home" Arianna said "sure thing. What's the emergency if you don't mind me asking" Tim asked, "just some family stuff" "okay goodbye" "bye". Then Arianna got into her car and raced home to find out what was going on.

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