Chapter Thirty-Three

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Because everyone was already awake and ready to start their day they all met up in the living room to talk for a little while. As soon as they made it into the living room they sat down and began to talk about work and the Seer. "I called out of work today," Sean said "how come. You okay" Jayda asked "no I'm fine it's just I need some time to figure all of this out" "it's okay just go lie down and rest" "I want to spend time with you and the kids". The both of them kept talking until Michael walked down the stairs and into the living room with Dylan. Once they sat down Sean quickly asked why they weren't getting ready for their shifts at work. "Parker told me to spend time with you," Michael said "you guys don't have to stay here to watch me" Sean groaned "I'm just worried about you. We all are" "I'll be fine. The Source is finally gone". Everybody kept talking until Dylan brought up the Seer and how they should vanquish her before she can attack them. When he mentioned the Seer they all looked at each other then Sean said how they don't need to vanquish her. He said how she never tried to kill them before she was just trying to help him through a rough time. Right after he stopped talking Dylan said how they should keep an eye on her just in case she ends up trying to kill them with her new powers. "How many times do I have to tell you that the Seer isn't a problem," Sean said, "I'm just saying we need to be careful. I don't want to lose you again," Dylan said, "you won't lose me I'm just telling you she isn't a problem" "I know but can't we just keep an eye out" "oh my god alright". They all kept talking and planning until Sean's three babies started to cry so he stood up to go check on them. As soon as he walked into the babies' room they stopped crying and now they were laughing and smiling. While he was taking care of the babies everybody else talked about him and how he must be feeling. Right before they could finish talking Sean walked back into the living room with the three babies walking behind him.


"It's almost time," the dark priest said "this is all happening so fast," the Seer said "how did you become the Source" "that doesn't matter, what matters is now the Underworld is mine" "it will be after the coronation". While they were talking about the coronation other demons set up for the ceremony to welcome the new Source of All Evil. The Seer and the dark priest kept talking and planning but stopped when a demon rudely interrupted them. Once that happened the female demon created a powerful fireball that she used to vanquish the demon. After she did that the dark priest looked at her feeling a little bit afraid so he slightly backed away from the demon. "Please don't kill my lackeys," he said "I won't have to if your lackeys showed some respect," she said "I'll have a talk with them" "no please let me do it" "let's just finish setting up so we can do the coronation" "all alright". Both of them quickly stopped talking then went right back to setting up for the Seer's coronation. Right before they finished setting up the Seer started talking with the dark priest again about the Charmed Ones. She said how before the coronation she needs to finally get rid of the Charmed Ones once and for all. After she said that the dark priest started laughing which only made the Seer angrier and upset with him. Before any of them could say anything the Seer explained how all the Charmed Ones need to be finally vanquished. "Everyone has tried to vanquish them," he said "this time will be different," she said "how will this time be any different" "because now I'm stronger and they don't suspect me" "let's just worry about the coronation" "not until the Charmed Ones are killed". All of them kept on talking and planning until everything was finally finished and it was time to start and finish the coronation. Instead of doing the coronation right away, the Seer said how she needs to get rid of the Charmed Ones first. Everyone looked at her when she said that but before they could say anything she flamed away.

They all talked about the Seer and how they might have to stop her before she gets the chance to kill them. Since they were so busy talking they didn't hear Arianna banging on the front door waiting for them to let her in until they stopped talking. "Jeez, what took so long," Arianna asked when Dylan opened the door "I'm sorry we were busy talking about the Seer" he answered "Tim is covering my shift so I can stay for a little while" "okay great". Once they all sat down Arianna mentioned how the Seer promised to leave them alone so they shouldn't worry about her again. As soon as she said that the youngest Charmed One rolled his eyes and explained that they can't trust her. "She said that when she was the Seer and now she's the Source," he said "that doesn't mean anything," she said "when Sea was the Source he tried to kill us but he didn't because of our love" "I think you're being a little dramatic" "I'm just saying we should be careful". Both of them continued talking about the Seer but stopped when Sean interrupted them to tell them what he thinks. He said how the Seer won't hurt them and that they should just stop planning on vanquishing her. When he was done talking his older brother grabbed his hand and told him that they just want to keep him safe from the Source. Instead of saying something back Sean just walked away and came back with some food for the four babies. "If you become the Source again we won't know what to do," said Michael "you guys stopped me before," said Sean "we barely stopped you last time" "if anything happens we'll figure it out like we always do". Everybody talked while Sean fed his children and his nephew then his wife began to talk about her opinion. She said how she doesn't want to lose her husband again so they should keep an eye open or just vanquish the Seer. Because she was getting a little bit stressed Sean stopped what he was doing and he rushed over to calm her down. Once she was calm he kissed her on the hand and said how everything will be okay and he'll be fine.

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