Chapter Thirteen

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"Why have you come here, witch" Nolvak "I need your help with saving my girlfriend" Raul begged "and what makes you think we would help you" "what if I gave you my power to see the future" "let us think about it". The three demons walked into another room to think about the deal that Raul made with them to save his girlfriend, Melinda. While they were talking about what to do with Raul he walked and looked around their cave. "I don't think we should help him," Barnuth said to Nolvak "but if we do he will give us his power of premonition. We could use that power to kill the Charmed Ones" "I think we should just kill him" "I've had it with you". After Nolvak said that he threw an energy ball at Barnuth so powerful it vanquished him.  Once Nolvak and the other demon walked out of the room Raul quickly turned around and stopped what he was doing. They waited for a minute then they told Raul that they would help him get his girlfriend back in exchange for his power. Raul smiled then told them how his girlfriend was taken by the warlock Calvin so he could get Raul's power. When the demons found it where Calvin and Melinda were he and his demon lackey faded to where they were. "LET ME GO. LET ME GO" Melinda pleaded "not until Raul comes and gives up his power" Calvin answered "he will never come" "you better hope he does because if he doesn't I'll kill you". As Calvin was laughing Nolvak and Raeken faded in and grabbed Melinda and got ready to fade away. Before they could fade away Calvin tried to throw an energy ball at them but Nolvak did it first and killed him. Then they faded back to the cave where Melinda ran into Raul's arms with a smile on her face. "We saved your girlfriend, now give what was promised," Nolvak said "sorry buddy but no thanks," Raul said as he grabbed the teleportation potion and used it to escape.

                                                           One Week Later

Once Jayda woke up she noticed a note from Sean saying it's bad luck to see a bride before the wedding and there was also breakfast beside the note. She smiled then began to eat breakfast as she walked around the bedroom worrying about the wedding. After she finished her breakfast she walked downstairs to see Michael and Arianna gathering their things. "Good morning bride to be," Arianna said "good morning. Have you seen Sean" Jayda said, "he is at the church helping set everything up. Go get your dress and makeup". While Jayda ran back upstairs to get her things she texted Sean and said thank you for the breakfast. After Sean texted back saying you're welcome she finished getting her things for the wedding. At the church, Sean was setting up the decorations and he was waiting for his siblings. "Hey Sean," Jeffrey said "why are you here so early," Sean asked "I came by to drop the food off" "but you were supposed to bring the food to the house. Why did you really come". Jeffrey sighed then told Sean he came by to tell him he couldn't come to the wedding because of his mother. "If you can't come to the wedding I understand," Sean said, "yeah I know it's just that my mother is in the hospital and I want to stay with her. But congratulations. I'll drop the food off at the house". After Jeffrey gave Sean a hug goodbye he ran to his car and drove to the house to drop the food off. As soon as Jeffrey left Sean's siblings and fiance pulled up into the parking lot with Sean's suit and everything else they would need for the wedding. When Jayda walked out of the car she rushed into a dressing room with Arianna to get ready and Michael walked over to Sean. "hey Sean" Michael said "hey. Did you bring everything" Sean replied, "yeah we got it all so let's hurry up and get ready". Then Michael followed Sean to another dressing room where they would be getting dressed.

While Arianna was putting on her bridesmaid dress she noticed Jayda was still in her clothes from this morning. "You better hurry and get dressed before we start this wedding without you," Arianna said "I'm just nervous. What if something goes wrong" Jayda replied "nothing is going to go wrong just get dressed" "alright fine". After that Arianna helped Jayda with her dress and then helped her with her hair and then she did her own hair and makeup. While Arianna and Jayda were getting ready Michael and Sean were finishing up their hair then they welcomed guests. They both said hello to everyone who came and helped them find a seat and then one of their cousins showed up. "Hey Raul I'm glad you made it. Who is this" Sean said "this is my girlfriend Melinda" "well it's good to see you. Just follow Michael to get a seat" "okay thanks and congratulations" "thank you". Once Raul had a seat Sean went to the front of the altar and waited for Jayda and then Arianna showed up which meant the wedding was about to start. Everyone stood up and they played the wedding march and Jayda started walking down the aisle. When Jayda stood in front of Sean with a smile on both of their faces the priest began to speak. A few minutes of the priest talking and people crying the priest said "you may now recite your vows". "Jayda when I first met you I didn't expect this day to come. We have been through a lot and I'm glad in the end it was worth it," Sean said "Sean when we first met I didn't expect you to be the love of my life. I'm glad we fell in love because it's been amazing, almost like it was fate". Everyone smiled as the priest finished talking and they exchanged rings then the priest said you may kiss the bride. They all cheered as Sean grabbed Jayda and they kissed each other then they turned around and faced everyone. Once the ceremony was over everyone got into their cars and some people went to Sean's house for the party but Susan had to go.

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