SA part 3

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*a month later in chemistry class*

toni : *coughs* cheryl ?

cheryl : *sighs* hi antoinette !

toni : hey umm do you know how to write this formula ?

cheryl : yes , you don't understand it ?

toni : *nods slowly* uh uh

cheryl : ugh okay I'll help you

toni : thanks

*toni staring at cheryl while she help her*

cheryl : hey you okay there ?

toni : uh yea sorry I'm good

cheryl : okayy

*another month later*

toni : hey cheryl can you pass me those papers please

cheryl : sure toni

toni : thanks cher

cheryl : hey don't exaggerate, I'm already calling you toni

toni : okay .. sorry ..

*cheryls house after school*

cheryl : ok .. you know a really weird thing ?

veronica : what ?

cheryl : i am kinda .. actually not hating toni that much during our classes together

veronica : wait really ?!

cheryl : yea , she is doing her part of the deal and ..

veronica : oh my god ! , i can't believe i thought you would've killed her by now or something

cheryl : okay okay don't exaggerate igh ?

veronica : fine but is that another letter from that secret admirer of yours ?

cheryl : yes , it's been 2 months these letters always end up in my locker. same place , same hour , and obviously the same person .. and i finally have a plan to find out who it is

veronica : okay so what's the plan ?

cheryl : well the letters are written by hand , so if we compare the SA handwriting to the other students handwriting we'll find out who it is

veronica : i guess you forgot the hard part . how we'll get the SA handwriting ? If he is sending anonymous letters than he doesn't want to be found .

cheryl : i have a plan for that too

veronica: great

cheryl : we can say we getting signatures to some stupid petition of the school or something similar

veronica : hmm that's a great plan bombshell

cheryl : ikr we'll start tomorrow

*next day at school*

cheryl : hi as student body president of riverdale high , I ask you to sign this petition

archie : alright .. but what's the petition for ?

cheryl : to get the vixens new uniforms

archie : okay I'll sign


veronica : hey can you sign this petition ?

sp : why , what's it for ?

veronica : to improve the student lounge

sp : fine I'll sign

*same time but a li later*

sp : hey toni , something weird is happening

toni : like what ?

sp : earlier veronica came up to me talking about signing some petition and i seen blossom going around doing the same

toni : so ?

sp : don't you think it's a bit suspicious ? they we're asking more boys than girls

toni : wait you're not thinking they're ..

sp : yes toni i think they're looking for the SA ! *wispher yells*

toni : well if they think it's a boy than the secret is safe

sp : yea but you should still be careful

toni : okay I'll keep my eyes on them

// this one kinda short but just to put it out there my friend kinda helps with these stories too like if she see something on Instagram like choni au's she ss it and send it to me and sometimes i get my ideas from other people so if you see some of your work in here say something and I'll give you yo creds !

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