SA part 15

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*taking attendance say here ! 🙃*

*it's still the same week as the prom was*

*the next day that morning*

cheryl's pov

i woke up laying next to toni thinking about last night and how perfect it was. I guess i got caught up in my thoughts bc when i had check the time it was 7:30 , i rushed to the bathroom took a quick shower , brushed my teeth and hair sprayed my cherry perfume and woke toni up. "babe get up we're gonna be late" I said tryna wake up toni. she didn't wake up so i called her again "baby get up" i said & she still didn't wake up "toni !" i said a little louder this time waking her up "I'm up I'm up" "bout time, get ready or we're gonna be late" i said. while i was waiting on toni i texted veronica to see what she doing

*cheryl and veronica messages*

*cheryl and veronica messages*

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toni's pov

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toni's pov

after i got finished getting ready i went out to find cheryl & and my mouth dropped when i saw her , she looked so hot with what she was wearing. "close your mouth tt you don't wanna catch a fly" she joked "sorry , you just look so hot right now" i said "well thank you tt you very handsome yourself" she replied "ready to go ?" i asked "Yupp" she replied.

*cheryl's outfits*

*cheryl's outfits*

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*toni's outfit*

*toni's outfit*

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cheryl's pov

when we got to school me and toni went the find the rest of our friends. when we we're all talking mr.wheater b walked up to me and asked me if i could give the new student a tour around the school and show them their classes so ofc i agreed cuz why not "sure where is they ? " i asked. and that's when someone walked in i never thought I'll ever see again "n-nick ?" i asked & i heard veronica gasped behind me "well hello cheryl it's nice to see you again " he said with a smirk on his face. I started to feel sick to my stomach so i ran to the bathroom. "cheryl !?" i heard toni & veronica call out to me but i just kept running.

toni's pov

as me and the gang was talking mr.wheater b asked cheryl to show the new kid around but when cheryl and veronica saw him they acted like they seen a ghost or something which confused me and the rest of the gang. They looked at me but i just shrugged bc i didn't know what was going on than outta nowhere cheryl started running towards the bathroom me and veronica called her name but she just kept running so we ran after her "cheryl what's wrong ?" i asked once we reached the bathroom "i don't feel good can we go home ?" she asked, i knew something else was wrong but i didn't wanna confront her about it and make it worse so i just said "yea sure". when we pulled up to my trailer she jumped straight out the car and ran into the house straight to the bedroom and locked the door "cheryl what's going on ?" i asked than i started to hear her throwing up in the bathroom "cheryl open the door !" i said , she didn't so i ran into the door and broke it open causing her to jump a li "sorry i didn't mean to scare you " i said and walked up to her , i picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed. "wanna tell me what's going on ?" i asked in a sincere and concerned way , she took a deep breath and nodded

cheryl's pov

i didn't really wanna tell toni what happened and why i was acting the way i was but i knew i need to so i took a deep breath and said "at the beginning of the summer i met this boy name n-nick st. clair which was the boy y'all seen today at school , me and nick started dating and one night vee had a party and invited us to come and ofc we said yea. we was all having fun and dancing and stuff and he said he was gone go get us some drinks and i said okay and when he brought me my drink i had chugged it all bc i was thirsty from all the dancing we walk doing , couple mins later i start to feel dizzy and lightheaded, nick lead me to a room and lade me on a bed. i tried to get up but my body started to feel paralyzed , he than undressed me and started to " i couldn't even finish the rest bc i started to cry "that's when he raped you ?" toni asked in a mad tone & with tears in her eyes. I nodded my head yea "but even tho he alr did it, before it got to far veronica came in and pushed him off me and started beating him up" i said
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that" toni said fully crying now "i know i know but it's okay now I'm over it , it just scared me seeing him again after so long" i replied. after that we both took showers , order food and just chilled the rest of the night .

// i know this one short but imma try to make the next one longer, i might try to write the next part today and post it .

don't forget to like plz ! 💕🙂

lmao y'all i wanna give credit to Sweetz_Cherry for the first 15 chapters the rest will be my own,lmao  ian even except ppl to see this story 😭

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