SA part 7

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*free period (in school) 💀*

cheryl : topaz !

toni : blossom ?

cheryl : hi , so i was thinking if you would like to come over today we can talk and relax a bit

toni : hmm what about your other friends ?

cheryl : c'mon toniii , veronica is busy and you're the best option to spend the afternoon with me

toni : oh , I'm flattered

*cheryl smile and rolls her eyes*

toni : alright I'll go then

cheryl : perfect so see you there ?

toni : see ya there cheryl

*later at cheryl's house*

*toni chuckles*

toni : a secret admirer ?

cheryl : yea what are you laughing at ?

toni : nothing it's jus kinda crazy don't you think ?

toni : like a guy putting letters mysteriously into a girl's locker

cheryl : well he is really nice to me

toni : hmm and what he is a psychopath ?

cheryl :what ?

toni : yea , what if he is 42 old man , trying to get a babe ?

toni : just like in the movies I've watched . A guy sent letters to a girl in high school and ended up killing her and selling her organs

cheryl : shutup he is not a psychopath!

toni : or maybe that's what he want you to think ..

cheryl : topaz , shut the hell up !

*toni laughs*

toni : i was just messing with you blossom

cheryl : that's not funny ! ugh i hate you

toni : hmm i think you actually like me

cheryl : .....

toni : ......


cheryl : fine maybe i like you but just a little bit

toni : aww i knew it , you adore me *toni pokes cheryl's arm*

cheryl : i didn't say all that *cheryl giggles*

toni : so why it looks like you adore me then ?

*cheryl rolls her eyes and sighs*

cheryl : can we get back to the main subject ?

toni : sure , your admirer what's up with him ?

cheryl : well nothing he is really sweet and nice its just i want to meet him but i don't think he wants to

toni : how are you so sure ? maybe he's afraid

cheryl : afraid of what ?

toni : afraid that you don't like him .. or maybe that you guys don't work together. maybe he likes you a lot but he's afraid about what you'll think about him when you meet him

cheryl : i don't know but .. i just wanted the chance of meeting him , you understand right ?

toni : yea , I do

// okay soo if y'all want more choni content from me i gotta tiktok account with actual madnessa and choni content you should check it out and if you like it leave a follow and I'll follow you back i promise @chonixmadnessa._

also i would like it if y'all drop ideas on what should happen w them 🙃

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