SA part 16 "prank wars" ? 👀

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cheryl's pov

it's finally friday , it felt like this week lasted a whole month . this probably the worse week i had except the part where me and toni started dating and prom but other than that it's been the worse and i have to go to the same school as the boy that did horrible things to me .. ugh isn't this great . i started to hear toni stir in her sleep, i checked the time , it was only 6:00 i knew i wasn't gonna be able to go back to sleep so i decided to make breakfast for toni and i , while i was looking through the cabinets for the pancake mix i found a cookbook , i seen toni marked chocolate chip pancakes and fruit on the side as her favorite so i decided to make them , i found all the ingredients which i was glad bc I'm pretty sure there aren't any stores open at this time in the morning if i didn't .

toni's pov

i woke up to the best smell ever something i haven't smelled in a long time so i decided to get up to see what it was . as I'm walking to the kitchen i see cheryl cooking an making breakfast while listening to music dancing , i was gonna join her but i decided to just watch and admire her beauty . even if she was still in her night clothes and had a messy bun she still looked perfect , shi even better . she finally turned around finding me standing there watching her "how long was you standing there ?" she asked blushing and looking down for i won't see "long enough to know how even beautiful you look in a messy bun" i replied. she blushed even harder and said "c'mon i made us breakfast" she handed me my plate "ouuuu you even made my favorite , thank you baby" i said . she giggled and said "you welcome bubs" we ate and got ready for school .

when we got to school we seen a bunch of cop cars, we walked in and seen them walking out nick in hand cuffs.

*they went to find their friends*

toni : what was that all about ?

sp : no one knows, they just dragged him out

cheryl : well that's good i wasn't looking forward to seeing him everyday

veronica : yea same but anyways i got good news !!

cheryl : what is it ?

veronica : as you all know my parents own a lodge and they said we can borrow it for the weekend, y'all down ?!

cheryl : omg yess, when we leaving ?

veronica : how about after school ?

cheryl : okay that'll work

*the bell ring and they go to class*

cheryl's pov

class was really boring especially when you done all your work as fast as me & once you're done you can do basically anything bc the teachers really don't care so i decided to watch a li bit of youtube, i always liked jazz and tae relationship even tho they broken up now but they was a cute and entertaining couple to watch & i always wanted to start my own. actually i might just buy the equipment after school and start one. I'm already popular around school so getting subscribers would be easy.

*school was over everyone started getting ready*

cheryl's pov

since I'm starting this YouTube channel and stuff i already started of thinking of stuff to post on it on the way home to pack and i really wanted to prank toni . I was thinking of a cheating prank or a hickey prank but with veronica bc i can't use betty that'll be weird. me and toni was waiting on veronica and the rest of the guys to pick us up.

*couple of mins later*

we was pulling up at the lodge and it was huge and beautiful. me, veronica, betty, josie and kevin made all the boys and toni tote the bags. Veronica showed us all around the lodge and our rooms.

veronica : okay so these are y'all's rooms and don't worry the walls are sound proof bc nb wants to hear y'all doing the do

everyone : *laughs* or whatever 💀

cheryl : okay thanks v but i wanna talk to you about something

veronica : oh okay, the rest of y'all can get settle in while we talk .

b,j&k: okay

veronica : wassuh ? is it bad ?

cheryl : *laughs* no calm down I'm starting a YouTube channel and i wanna do a prank on toni

veronica : ouuu what kind ?

cheryl : a cheating prank, i already bought the equipment for it but she doesn't know yet

veronica : how we gonna do it ?

cheryl : we gonna go to my room imma set the camera up and we're gonna sit on the bed facing each other with our thumbs on each other's lip and when we hear them coming up we'll put our lips on our thumbs so it looks like we're kissing

veronica : igh bet

cheryl's pov

"hey guys welcomed to my channel I'm here with my best friend veronica and we're gonna be doing the kissing each other prank on my gf and we're gonna get her reactions" i explained. i set up the camera while me and v waited for them to start coming up stairs looking for us .

toni's pov

heys guys i think cheryl and the rest of the guys are up stairs imma go check on them "okay" everyone said. as I'm walking up the stairs i seen kevin, josie and betty but no cheryl and veronica so i check ronnie's room  nb there so i went to the other room & i walked in on cheryl & ronnie kissing. "WHAT THE HELL CHERYL" i yelled walking towards them. i pushed veronica off cheryl "how could you ?" i asked cheryl. "i just wanted to see what it felt like to kiss a girl" veronica said "so you went for the one girl here  who yk has a gf" you lucky ion put my hands on any type of female . "what the hell happened ?" sweetpea asked. "i caught cheryl and ronnie kissing each other" i said "she just wanted to know what it felt like to kiss a girl" cheryl said. "y'all are fucked up in the head" sweetpea said. "i can't believe you ronnie you knew i could walk in at anytime and you cheryl, you're just fucked up" i said going downstairs. i was so mad and frustrated so i decided to get something to drink. after i got something to drink i heard laughing coming from upstairs. i heard them coming downstairs and cheryl walked towards me "go away" i said mad . i saw her reach behind her back and pulled out a camera "you just got pranked" her and ronnie say in sync. she hugged and kissed me "I'll never cheat on you babe" she said kissing me. I'm going back to the room i said walking away. cheryl posted the video and everyone started to settle down and went to bed . except for me and cheryl we was still up but i could tell she was getting tired too. "i hope you know you just started prank wars" i said to her "yea i know but you can't do pranks better than me" she said "yea we'll see" i said . " i love you baby" she said slowly falling asleep on top of me . " i love you more babe" . " goodnight " she said yawning "goodnight" she wrapped her arms around me and we fell asleep .

*the lodge*

i know i been gone for some months but I'm backkk !! 🙃

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i know i been gone for some months but I'm backkk !! 🙃

how y'all like the prank ? 👀 should i keep them coming for y'all ??

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