The Strike Of Midnight

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The darkness was overwhelming, she allowed herself to fall into the trap so easily. Yet she couldn't help it, the offer as uncertain as she had been was so tempting, giving herself up to guarantee her friends a better life. She'd choose it over and over again, besides with the last strike so close she was going to meet her end soon anyways. Wasn't it better to give herself up for her friends to have a better life? Yet that was before, now a blinding light had overcome the darkness, a ray of hope had broke through, and someone reached out their hand towards her. Someone had found her, and came to help, a small smile formed on her face...

Some how hope always found a way, even though the oddest of appearances. Frieda shook partially from weakness partially from fear, they had given up everything to try to revert things back to the way they were, and here she was ready to give up. Icy had gotten many things right but one thing in particular, she was no quitter, there was a standing chance to safe this world and she wasn't going to throw it away.

Frieda blinked a couple of times, escaping her thoughts, the three Trix still stood in front of her, Icy's hand still outreached to her. "Let's do it," Frieda said smiling, as hope rushed through her; they could do this. The clock above was not far from the next hit but it was not near either, they still had time. One more strike, once the clock hit midnight...

Frieda was ripped from her thoughts as the Trix began cutting her out of the silver rope. It took a while but they finally cut her free. Frieda wobbled a little the silver rope had been what kept her in place, without it the real weakness she was suffering through showed. Collapsing to the floor Frieda saw the black spots slowly creep through her vision.

"Come on," Stormy said as she helped pull Frieda up, "Darcy I've got her on the right take the left."

Darcy ran over to her sisters aid helping her hold Frieda up. "She's very weak, we need to heal her."

"We can't our powers will clash with hers," Icy said remembering the last time.

"Let me go," Frieda said to Stormy and Darcy "I'm wearing you down." The two witches hesitantly put Frieda down. "I need you three to listen, I'm going to black out, I can't fight it more then I am. You have to go to Alfea and find the Winx and Ace.

"But!" Stormy started

"Listen your going to tell them what you told me, tell them the truth. They'll be skeptical they might think you're the reason I am weakened the way I am. I know you guys don't get along but they're the only ones who can heal me, and we're going to need all the help we can get." Frieda said as the darkness began to overtake her.

"Alfea, Winx, Ace, if you really want to fix your mistake it's the best option. I'm trusting you three..." the rest of her words were cut of as Frieda fell unconscious. Leaving her trust in the Trix.

"So whats the plan Icy," Darcy asked as she picked Frieda up.

Icy sparked her magic and opened a portal "it's simple isn't? Come on sisters, we're going to Alfea."

The four of them stepped through the portal, the gates of Alfea stood before them, as it slowly opened at their appearance. Well maybe not at the Trix, but at the fairy they held. Gasps fell through the courtyard as younger fairies saw the renowned villains, holding Frieda. Whispers flew, as young fairies fled, and fear crept over the court yard.

Roxy watched quietly as she got up and slowly followed the other fairies inside. She had to find the Winx. Although she could probably face the witches alone Roxy knew she wouldn't win, after all they beat Frieda. A chilling feeling ran down her spine as she burst opened the door to the Winx's common room. "Winx!"

"Roxy," Bloom asked looking up from a book "what are you doing here?"

"The Trix are here at Alfea," Roxy said as she looked at the group, "and they have Frieda with them."

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