Inescapable Past and Unknown Future

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Okay let me get this straight James said as he looked between the girls, Frieda gained this power of insight which basically allowed Tritannus to take control of her, basically ending in Frieda dying when the triton was broken. Then the stupid people that are the rainbow council deemed her dangerous and treated her horribly for the entire year, and went far enough to throw her into Oblivion and because of that Frieda fell into corruption point, turning into the monster they all feared her to be.

Then even after all of that they still don't trust her and are treating her like, ugh James said as he clenched his fist I swear when I see Jackson I'm going to end him. I'm going to get Frieda out of Oblivion and then end Jackson and the entire rainbow council; they will pay for what they have done. James stood up ready to leave the room and storm Oblivion.

Winx! A fairy James didn't know ran into the room panicked, Selina's here, with Tessa!

Dang it those witches probably heard Frieda wasn't here Stella said, and wanted to make good use of this opportunity.

I'm sorry remind me who those two are again James said, because last time I checked, no big deal, and no big deal.

Maybe to you Bloom said, but in our world Selina holds the merge of the two strongest powers, the diamond and the rainbow.

She's the reason for Rainbow Valley's downfall Tecna said, she started the war, and she's the reason both of Frieda's parents......

Tecna didn't need to say anything else for James to know what they were talking about, he remembered the memory that haunted Frieda, he remembered the bright green light and how sad it made her, and how it took so much from her.

Not to mention Ivy said that she trapped all the diamond fairies in their own home planet. I don't think we've been properly introduced she said turning to the man, I'm Ivy princess of Diamond Island, at least I was my planet suffered the same as Frieda's if not a little more. If it wasn't for Frieda I'd still be stuck there, I don't know why that witch is here but it's for no good; that's for certain.

Okay so that's Selina, James said but then whose Tessa?

Her daughter, but not really her daughter, it's kinda confusing Aisha said, Tessa hated Selina for like forever but she became desperate for answers and fell to corruption point, and when she did she joined her mother's side.

Not to mention Musa said, that she almost killed Frieda.

Yeah but then Selina wanted to end her Lillian said, and she was seconds away from hitting Frieda with that spell until Ogron showed up.

Yeah saved her life Tecna said only to take her for himself.

James smiled knowing the truth behind Ogron and that his actions were purely to save his sister. Hey enough delving into the past, if this crazy witch is really here at Alfea then we should go deal with her; besides he said rubbing his arm where he felt Frieda's pain, I'm worried for her.

Don't worry, she'll make it through Flora said, she always does, she's a survivor.

James didn't doubt them, but they didn't feel and see what he did; and suddenly he understood Frieda and all of her antics, no wonder she always wanted to save those in danger, she felt what they were going through.

Let's transform guys Bloom said turning to her friends.

Magic Winx Natureix the girls said in harmony transforming.

James transformed into his girl form and then proceeded to transform into his enchantix. He noticed the colors in his outfit shine brighter then before, and his magic felt different too, although he quickly pushed the feeling away, he didn't have time for this; they'd deal with this witch and then he could help Frieda. He just hoped she could wait longer, rubbing his arm where he still felt her pain, he hoped she was okay.

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