Tying Loose Ends

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Warning: the update has a graphic battle (courtesy of noblefan so you can thank him) after the scene with the rainbow gardenia, if you don't want to read the battle then please skip to when there are 12 pages left.

The best thing about a rainbow moon that starts at night, is that you sleep through half of it, it's getting through the other half that's the hard part, night fell as quickly as it came and before they knew it the sun was shining above Alfea. Everyone started their day as if nothing were different, after all they were used to having rainbow moons all the time, why should today be any different?

Yet James was still feeling the weirdness of his powers being gone, Frieda tried to distract him by bringing him to the magic archive of Alfea, looking for answers behind why exactly James was given a spark of the rainbow, and it was working, she smiled softly as they flipped through multiple books. She knew how hard the first rainbow moon could be she remembered her first rainbow moon as a child and even when she returned to the world, the first rainbow moon was never easy on anyone.

Ugh, James said from behind a stack of books, I feel like we've been looking for hours but nothing, and more nothing. If only someone could just tell us the answer, and we wouldn't have to look through all of these books helplessly.

Frieda watched as James went to snap his fingers to put the books away and quickly grabbed his hand, I think I know where we can go to get some answers, come on!

You know someone we can ask James said looking at her, who?

Not someone, Frieda said something, come on she said pulling him along, I know where we need to go.

Where James asked curiously catching up to her, and what are we talking to if it's not a who?

We're going to Alfea's greenhouse Frieda said, and we're going to go talk to the rainbow gardenia.

The what now James asked turning to Frieda, it sounds like you want us to talk to a flower?

Yes because that's exactly what we're going to do Frieda said smiling, although the rainbow gardenia is no ordinary flower.

Oh really James asked, and what's so special about it?

It's the source of my magic Frieda said, as well as the power source for every single rainbow fairy, meaning....

It might know why I got the rainbow power James said cutting her off, it might have the answer we're looking for.

Exactly Frieda said smiling, come on she lead him into the greenhouse through rows and rows of flowers until she saw it. She sat down next to the flower and motioned James to do the same. I want to warn you before we go, that my flower isn't necessarily friendly, it doesn't really do chit chat; it can read your thoughts and has the answers many seek, but the rainbow gardenia says what it thinks needs to be said, you might be their for an answer but it'll give you advice, it's unpredictable and never clear. Although there are always exceptions, maybe this time will be different, she held her hand out to him and waited for him to take it.

So James asked looking at Frieda, I might not get the answer I need?

No, Frieda said but it's worth the chance, isn't it?

Sure, James said taking Frieda's hand, what do I have to loose?

Frieda smiled at him as she gently touched the rainbow gardenia with her free hand. She blinked and when she opened her eyes she found herself and James in a different space with just the rainbow gardenia.

I was wondering when the day would come that I would get to meet you James. Personally the rainbow gardenia said, I always thought it would be somewhere in the near future, but it seems like nothing is ever set in stone. I know what you are seeking and I don't know how much I can comfort you, but there is something I need to tell you. Yet first, my fairy will have to leave; I do believe we have much to talk about Frieda, but not here not now, someday soon in the future.

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