Familiar Faces

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She grabbed a note that sat on her bed, she wasn't sure if it was an old note or a new one, part of it ripped when she grabbed it.

She didn't have time for this, she put the ripped note in her pocket and walked out of the door; she could worry about it later their were more important things she had to do now.


Frieda was furious, no she was beyond furious; Chelsie sat on the floor crying she had told Frieda everything. How Lysslis was controlling her for the longest of times; because she had over heard Jackson's plan and was going to warn Frieda and tell Stephen. Chelsie took off the gold cuffs and the earrings Frieda wore giving her freedom; and apologized for any damage that she did to her.

Now they stood in front of Jackson, Chelsie hiding behind Frieda as she strode towards Jackson and punched him in the face. I'm not scared of you anymore, Frieda said her voice strong looking Jackson head on; I'm not scared of oblivion anymore.

You can't control me anymore, I'm not letting you continue to control how this story goes, this is my story Frieda said looking Jackson head on, and it's time that I controlled it, it's time that I began writing my own destiny, not you or some dumb prophecy!

You hold onto me through a single thread, you tortured me in your own demonic way, you took me when I was broken Frieda said seriously wanting to punch him again; and tried to keep me that way; news flash it back fired.

So I'm going to give you a choice, because unlike you I have a heart. We can do it on my terms; where you simply end the contract that I signed and we can part ways Frieda said staring intensely at him, or if you want to try to regain all that you lost; we can do this the hard way.

And I can promise you Frieda said, that I'll make you pay for everything that you've done to me, I'll make your life miserable; you think I'm a monster, a witch, right? Well I'll let you meet that side of me, if you dare try to bring me back there. So what's it going to be?

No, Jackson said you're mine, you can't use your magic, I'm still your master and you will obey me!

I'm afraid that's where you're wrong Frieda said, I'm sure you heard about the battle that took place yesterday, my grandmother's showed up, and with Chelsie no where in sight I attacked them, and won against them; and when Lysslis fell unconscious Chelsie woke up from her control in shock and explained to me everything.

Chelsie then took off the golden cuffs and the earrings, that you used to trap me; so as you can see Frieda said as she sparked her magic; I'm completely free from you, except for that contract. Don't be stupid Jackson, whatever you have against me drop it, I'm giving you a chance to change, take it.

No! Jackson said looking at Frieda you took away so much from me! You will be mine!

Frieda sighed, so I see you have chosen your side, sparking her magic she was ready to send a spell towards Jackson, contact or not; I'm breaking free from you.

Freeze Jackson said, smirking when Frieda froze in her tracks; you may not wear the jewelry that made it easier, but I can still control you! Sit he said pointing to the chair and watched as Frieda against her will sat in the chair.

Don't fight against me Jackson said as he took the silver rope and tied Frieda to the chair extremely tightly, and her hands he grabbed roughly pulling them through the gaps of the chair and tied them tightly where she wouldn't be able to move her hands out of the bars or spark her magic. Don't you see you witch, golden cuffs and earrings don't matter, I still control you! He dropped his control over her and let Frieda come to her senses.

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