The journey begins

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After leaving Tallimark, being on open water Gene
Was ready for the adventure of a life time.
Setting sail to an unknown land he's never heard of,
While on the water he used his rope and net that he stole from a wagon to catch fish.
The catching wasn't easy since he's never done it before. He had the hardest time trying to figure out how to get his next meal.
The net thing wasn't working at all so he decided to jump into the water with his rope tied around his waist connected to his boat so he wouldn't lose it while under the water trying to catch fish. While under the water he used his sword to stab fish as best as he could to catch them. While doing so he saw something sparkle at the bottom of the ocean floor and thought what the hell is that I must take a look, he untied his rope and dove deeper into the ocean.
When he got down to the ocean floor he saw a small chest with a lock on it. Picked up a rock and busted the lock off the chest.
Opened the chest and found nothing but a silver compass. So he grabbed it swam back up to the surface hopped back into his boat to look at what he found.
While looking at this silver compass Gene thought now why would a compass like this be locked away in a chest. Not knowing that the compass was magical.
He tried to use it but it wasn't working till he pointed it toward the sun then the compass started glowing. The needle started spinning fast then stopped immediately pointed toward the east.
Genes thoughts were wow that's odd but okay it's a compass so this must be the way he needed to go so he started sailing east.
While sailing where the compass was pointing he turned the compass around and saw writing, in graved on the back reading,
Compass of dreams and wants
Gene looked confused,
And thought well if it says that then this must be a compass to Guide me to what I want most.
So he got up opened his sails to sail faster to his next destination.
Days have passed, no land insight just open water
Gene was getting worried, started to have second thoughts till something hit is boat.
Gene went to go look what hit his boat and what he saw he couldn't believe his eyes it was a mermaid stuck in his fishing net. So Gene helped the mermaid out of his net and the mermaid swam off.

But what he didn't know was the mermaid didn't completely swim off, she stayed far a nuff way but didn't leave him

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But what he didn't know was the mermaid didn't completely swim off, she stayed far a nuff way but didn't leave him. She just kept on eye on him from a distance. Now to Gene he thought the mermaid was long gone. Some time has passed while sailing. Gene fell asleep and while Gene was sleeping the mermaid grabbed his net that was in the water and pulled him to the closest shore line. Gene woke up on a black sanded shore line and could figure out how he got there.

He looked around but no one or nothing was insight besides the island he washed ashore on

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He looked around but no one or nothing was insight besides the island he washed ashore on.
Now the mermaid stayed in the distance watching Gene. She would hide every time he'd go to look out the water. So Gene got out of his boat brought it more on shore to make sure it wouldn't drift away.
He started looking more around, saw nothing but rocks and lots and lots of trees. So he grabbed his compass and sword and started walking the shore line looking for anything he could use.
While looking around the island Gene was hoping to find fresh water since he hasn't had any in days.
He pulled out his compass and the needle was going crazy just kept spinning non stop. Something told Gene to ask to point me in the direction of fresh water so he asked the compass, can you point me in the direction of fresh water and the compass stopped immediately pointing north of the island. Genes thoughts on the compass was this is amazing!
So he started off heading north of the island. An hour has passed walking through the jungle of the island till he heard water flowing and then noticed a small water fall full of fresh water. Gene ran toward the water fall and jumped in. Thanking god for the find of fresh water. He filled up his pouch and headed back toward his boat.
By the time he got back to the shore line he noticed that his boat wasn't there where he left it.
It was floating out in the water.
Gene run to go retrieve his boat out in the water.
He jumped in the ocean and swam out.
When he got to his boat he notice that his rope had his boat anchored down to a rock on the ocean floor.
He swam down and removed the rope from the rock tied the rope to his waist and swam back up to the surface.
When Gene got back up to the surface he swam the boat back to shore. As he got back to the shore he pulled his boat in to see that his fish net was full of fish. Confused to the fullest not understanding how this could have happened when he searched  the shore line,  there was no one around when he arrived to the island. So how could this be?
Gene said to himself.
Hmm...? something is off but I can't put my finger on Gene said to himself. Oh well he said,
He brought his boat back up further up the beach, went and grab broken branches and some rocks to make a fire. Cooked himself some fish and fell sleep.

   The next morning he woke up, he decided to explore more of the island. While exploring the island he saw a cliff out in the distance with what to believe to be a mermaid sitting on the shore line by the cliff watching him as she was brushing her hair.

As he started walking toward the mermaid, the mermaid rushed back in the ocean

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As he started walking toward the mermaid, the mermaid rushed back in the ocean.
Then it made since to Gene.
Was that the mermaid that I helped out of my fishing net?
Had to of been, he thought.
Was it the mermaid that filled my fish net full of fish and brought me to this island when I fell asleep?
Had to of been.
Like wow he said this is crazy I've never experienced anything like this before he said to him self.
Since the mermaid left Gene turned around and went back to camp.
When Gene got back to his camp he gathered his things and set sail back out to the open water.
He grabbed his compass and ask the compass to take him to the piece of the map.
The compass needle started spinning then stopped in the east direction. Here we go said Gene, he opened his sail and headed off.

Gene the GenieWhere stories live. Discover now