Chapter 9 ~ Lorenzo Santoro

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I feel a dull throb in the back of my head as I regain consciousness. My eyes flutter open as I adjust to the light in the room. I am able to make out a broad figure sitting in a chair near the bed I am in.

The room had black interior and dim lights, which made it seem mysterious. This definitely was not a room in the bar. Where was I? It looked all to familiar.

Suddenly, the figure approaches me,
"You're awake!"  He says with a slight Italian accent. I realise it is the mystery man aka my boss.

"Yeah, where am I?" My words coming out as a croak.

"Here, drink up." He says helping me drink my water.

"Thanks". I smile, his expression eases slightly as he gives me a curt nod in response.

"Your at my house". He says not meeting my eyes. Then it all comes back to me, this is the strangers house. I have been here before, that's why it looks so similar. I wonder if he recognises me.

I feel the bitter taste of vomit in my mouth as I quickly jump out of the bed and run to the nearest door hoping it is a bathroom. Luckily I find myself in a huge bathroom.

The interior was similar to the room, a grey contrast with silver appliances. I hear footsteps approaching from behind not paying any attention to them. I bend down and hold the rim of the toilet as I throw up. I feel rough hands pull my hair back and another running circles on my back. I feel myself relax a little before I throw up some more. We stay in this position, as he comforts me, for a while before the nausea stops.

After a few minutes of throwing up, I get up from my perched position and go to the sink to freshen up. The silence was deafening as I see the boss staring at me in the reflection of the mirror. I try to avoid his gaze as I turn around to exit the toilet however he seemed to have other plans.

He gripped my wrist as he spun me around so I was leaning on the door frame of the toilet entrance with his tall frame trapping me. We locked eyes with each other as his orbs filled with lust.

"If you ever need anything, you know where to find me, si?" He said as he pressed closer to me.

I could feel everything, from his defined chest, to his co*k that was touching my middle. My core was begging for attention as it throbbed with urgency to be penetrated. The only thing separating us was a few pieces of fabric. Oh God, please help me!

"Yes, sir". I quickly spoke breathing heavily.

"Are you okay, bella?" He asked concerned before he smirks teasingly as he realises what he is doing to me.

"Y-y-yes." I stammered.

I quickly enter the room and sit on the bed. The boss following standing in the middle of room. I take in my surroundings, the room is quite spacious the toilet being on the left and another door on the right.

"What's in there?" I ask.

"Guess?". He smiles staring at me, trying to figure out what is going through my head.

"Clothes?" I say tilting my head slightly to the side.

I near the wardrobe looking at him, silently asking if I can take a look. He nods in response. I hold the diamond knob and twist it open not knowing what to expect.

I enter a room that is dark but suddenly lights up from  my presence. The room is larger than the bathroom but not quite as big as the bedroom. Wardrobes are built in on all sides, adorned with a variety of clothes, from shoes, ties, dress pants but mainly suits.

I walk towards the centre of the room looking around at the Armani, Hugo Boss and Versace that surround me, just to name a few of course. The boss appears behind me as his breath tickles my ear.

"Wanna see something cool!" He says smirking.

"Yeah, what is it". I playfully smack him.

He grabs my hand as he pushes the suits to one side on the railing and pushes the wood to reveal a door. I gasp in surprise. God help me, what is he hiding down there. As we walk into the connected room I silently pray as I see the scene before me.

The hidden room is full to the brim with weapons. From AK-47's, glocks, pistols, blades of different sizes and much more.

"Wow!" I gasp in awe as I take a gun near me. I weigh it in each hand, from the weight of it I assume it is loaded.

"Be careful with that Celeste". He says seriously. Damn, boy needs to loosen up.

I point the gun at him and put on my straightest face. I press my finger to the trigger as if I am shooting him. He doesn't even flinch, instead he narrows his eyes before quickly flinging me over his shoulder and carrying me back to the bedroom.

"That's enough for today". He says playfully throwing me onto the bed before caging me leaving no space between us. He leans down but we are interrupted as someone clears their throat.

The boss quickly gets up from his position and I quickly sit up. In the doorway I see a smirking Luca.

"We've got to go!" He says with urgency.

As the boss is about to leave I quickly grab his arm.

"Thank you". I say smiling.

"My pleasure, call me Lorenzo."

"Thank you, Lorenzo". I said shyly.

"Goodbye Celeste." He said as he tried to kiss my cheek.

Misreading his actions, I tilted my face away from him so he could not kiss me but instead of kissing me on my cheek, his luscious lips locked with mine.

Wow his lips were so soft,
"Mhmmm". I let out a moan.

Quickly taking advantage of the situation he stuck his tongue into my mouth as our kiss became more passionate. Realising what I had done, I quickly pushed him off.

"Oh my days! Sorry". I said.

"Ragazza strana". He laughed as he left the room.
Translation: Freaky girl.

'Fu*k' I internally curse myself. Only me. Only I would do something like this. Damn Celeste control yourself.


A/N: Hi guys, hope your safe. Wow, Lorenzo is the mysterious stranger, well he's a snack 🥵. Anyway finally we don't have to keep referring to him as the 'boss' or the 'mysterious stranger' 😅. Hope you liked this chapter. Make sure to comment your thoughts on each chapter. Love y'all 💕. ~Tee

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