Chapter 4 ~ Longing

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3 months had passed since I had last seen the mystery man. Honestly, I longed for his touch and missed the mischievous glint in his eyes. His serpent like eyes that were endless as you got lost in them to his touch that was etched into my skin from our previous encounter. I was left envious, my mind running with thoughts of other women touching him and pleasuring him in ways I couldn't.

I allowed my thoughts to run wild as I lay in the warm bath that was beginning to get cold due to the long period of time I had spent wishing what could have been.

Life was full of what ifs, with your conscience telling you to do something when your heart told you the opposite. It was a game that one could get consumed in if not careful. But hey, we lived and we learned. So I made the wise decision of trying to forget the mysterious man that haunted my dreams - he was only trouble.

Little did I know he was not only trouble but the devil in disguise.


Finally, I let the water drain away from the bathtub along with my worries as I wrapped a fresh towel around my body and headed to the bedroom. I sat down on my bed and planned out the rest of my day hoping to accomplish everything in it.

I was going to start anew and live life to the fullest - it was something my father always told me, and would emphasise as he wasn't given the chance to do so.

Before he passed, he held my hand and made me promise that I would live life for him and experience all life had to offer. It was a promise which I vowed to keep at no cost just to make my father proud.

Eager to start the day, I dressed myself in the usual uniform the diner required - it consisted of a turquoise vest and skirt with a mini white apron that sat on top.

To complete the outfit waitresses were required to style their hair with matching bows which apparently 'brought all the boys to the yard' 😂😂. I personally thought it was a whole load of bs, the skirt which left nothing to the imagination and allowed old men to have perverse thoughts about us.

They were using us women to woo customers so they could keep returning to the diner. Our uniforms, sweet voices, and dolled up faces were just the icing on the cake.

A game of cat and mouse. A fisher trying to catch the fish with bait. A pawn in a sick, twisted game.

I know your probably thinking that this diner might as well be a strip club but it's how my boss a.k.a Adam ran everything around here.

We earned a fair amount of money which was substantial enough. It was my job of 3 years that I was willing to make sacrifices for if it allowed me to have a roof over my head.


As I pulled up and parked in the familiar driveway of the diner. I ran to the entrance excited to see my friends and tell them all about the mysterious stranger.

The diner, Mel's, was a second home to me with my supportive friends and enthusiastic energy that they surrounded me with.

I quickly entered the diner running to my best friend, Leia, who I had met when I first got the job. I pulled her into a tight embrace as she squealed screaming at me.

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