The Darling Charisma of Liz Feathers! ( Chapter 10 Part 1)

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(A/N: This isn't really going to have POVs in it. It's just going to have the normal flow of the episode but with Liz in it. I hope it's not too jarring and I hope you enjoy. Also, I'm sorry if it's wayyyy too long.)

It was just another day. Gizmoduck fighting off a villain on top of a building with a lightning storm going on while Liz is trying desperately to get a good shot on her camera and trying not to drop it in all the ruckus. Pretty typical day.

Gizmoduck approached the villain, who was manically laughing. "Dr Atmoz Fear, it's time I rain on your parade.", he said, gradually less enthused.

Dr Atmoz Fear laughed at him, "Ha! You're not even trying anymore!"

Liz said into her phone (for the livestream she's filming), "It looks like Gizmoduck and Dr Atmoz Fear are having a dramatic exchange! Comment who you think will win!", she then lowered her voice, "Gizmoduck, obviously."

Gizmoduck replied to the villain, "I'm sorry, you're my third weather based villain this month. In between the crime sprees and the public service and the...", he sighed, "Everything, I haven't had a chance to re-up my puns.", he then got a phone call, "One second. Hello? Oh hi,Huey. No, no don't reschedule, I need a break!"

Dr Atmoz Fear once again laughed cockily at Gizmoduck before saying, "You're too busy to finish telling me how busy you are? Gizmoduck, you're burned out!"

He tried shooting Gizmoduck with a lightning device which Gizmo dodges, thus breaking the device, making the clouds in the sky clear away. He then approached the villain before repeated the same pun from earlier.

"It's time I rain on your parade!"

Dr Atmoz Fear rolled his eyes, "You literally just said that."

"Ugh, I'm sorry.", he said before blasting off with the villain.

"WOOHOO!", Liz exclaimed, "Once again, the day is saved thanks to Gizmoduck! Woo!"

~Timeskip brought to you by Oxi-Chew~

Huey and Webby were standing outside Ray's Electronics, waiting for Fenton.

"So," Webby asked, "Where is this friend of yours?"

A nervous Huey replied, "Oh, Fenton is um... very busy... working on... robotics!"

Overhead, Gizmoduck flew by before landing in an alleyway causing several garbage cans to clatter and a cat to hiss before Fenton emerged.

"Sorry I'm late!", Fenton apologised.

Huey replied, "Fenton! There ya are! You just missed a Gizmoduck fly by!"

Webby gasped, "You're Gizmoduck?!"

"Huey!", Fenton replied, annoyed.

"I didn't say anything!", Huey exclaimed.

"Hi, I'm Webby!", Webby excitedly told him, "Nice to meet you! Does your suit have a toilet?!"

Fenton pulled out his journal and added Webby to a list called 'People who know I'm Gizmoduck'.

"No matter!", Fenton exclaimed, "Hero-ing is well and good,but today is about science! About Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera peeling back the veil of the unknown to make a discovery so revolutionary that I'll remembered as more than just..."


He got interrupted by Liz running towards them, panting and sweating.

"Gizmoduck!... Livestream!... Late!... Sorry!", she tried to explain, gasping for air while leaning against a wall.

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