Meant to be Mine (Chapter 14)

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"I'm glad you're awake. I was starting to get worried that someone messed up delivering my very precious cargo.", he told her.

"What are you talking about? Where am I?!", she shouted.

"Don't fret, my dear.", Liz shuddered at his use of 'my dear', "I intend you no harm. In fact, that's the last thing I'd do to you."

"Seriously, where am I?!", she shouted again.

"If I told you that, I wouldn't have you all to myself, would I?", he told her, sounding like a mix of a bond and a disney villain.

"Why?! Why would you do this?!", she shouted, almost pleading with him.

"My dear, I think you know why. But I'm always partial to a monologue now and again. Every since I met you, I've been obsessed with you.
Ever since you first spoke to me, I could hardly tear my eyes away from you! It broke my heart when I had to leave but when I did, I knew I had to do absolutely anything to see you again.
And so, I scoured the internet in hopes of finding you. And finally, I found your Instagram account. I saw that you mostly either filmed a superhero called Gizmoduck or took selfies and I noticed that in a lot of said selfies was a man named Launchpad.
Launchpad McQuack, the personal driver of Scrooge McDuck. Using my high status, I decided I would approach McDuck directly to find the driver but I told his nephew, Dewey and he gave you my address immediately.", he chuckled slightly, "Youths. But enough about my past. What we need to focus on is our future."

She stared at him in fear before backing away slightly and telling him, "Oh, no. There is no way I'm staying here with you! And my partners are probably looking for me right this second! It'll be a mere matter of hours before he finds me!", trying to be confident to overshadow her intense fear.

"I wouldn't worry about that. This is one of the most isolated locations in all of Calisota. I'd be surprised if they ever finds you. And don't even think about trying to escape. I've prepared for any and every method of escape you could try and I've countered every last one of them. More the reason to just give up and submit now.", he said as an evil smirk grew on his face.

Liz was more than terrified at this point but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that so she shot back at him, "Never! Until Fenton and Gandra come to save me, I can promise you that I will never stop fighting to get out of this hellhole!"

He shrugged and said, "Suit yourself. At least that'll mean you'll give up quicker.", before leaving, closing the door behind him.

Liz tried staying strong but it wasn't long until tears started pouring down her cheeks and she backed into a corner.


She wasn't lying when she said she wouldn't ever stop fighting to escape. Every day, she'd find a new way to escape his clutches. And every time she was punished (take that however you want) for trying to escape,

"That's a shame you had to try it again. You know the rules by know, Eliza. I hope you like shackles."

Every time he tormented and tried to play tricks on her,

"It's strange you still think your beloved 'Gizmoduck' is coming for you. If either of them truly cared for you, they would've found you by now. It's been two years after all."

"Two years?"

She just told herself, "Darkwing never gave up and neither will you!".
No matter how much he made her want to cry by getting way too close for comfort,

"Don't be coy with me, darling. You know you're mine now."

No matter how isolated from the rest of society he kept her,

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