Operation Something Blue (Chapter 15)

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(A/N: That's right, ladies and gentlemen! We got ourselves a proposal chapter on our hands! Woo! Get out the confetti! We're here!)

Liz's POV:

"You better let me be the flower girl at the wedding!", Launchpad demanded.

"I think that role might already be taken but I'll see what I can do.", Liz told him.

"So, how do you wanna do it?", he asked her

"I'm gonna do it at sunset, the most romantic time of day. It'll be just the three of us on the beach, overlooking the water. Webby and the boys are gonna set up an Italian restaurant just like our first unofficial date.
After dinner, Huey's gonna ask us if we'd like some coffee. I'll tell him, 'I better not. I don't want to stay up because lately, I've been loving my dreams and I'm hoping this one's gonna come true.' That's when I get down on one knee and propose to him!", she explained.

Launchpad started squealing like a little girl, "EEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!"

When he did, Liz pulled the phone away from her face again and told him, "LP, if you keep squealing like that, you're gonna break the sound barrier."

"I'm just so happy all that time I spent shipping you two didn't go to waste!", he exclaimed.

"Aww, you shipped us?", Liz asked, touched.

"Liz, I shipped you like FedEx.", he told her.

Liz faked breaking into tears, "Oh... I promised myself I wouldn't cry!"

"Anyway, what gave you the idea to propose in the first place?", he asked, "I mean, aside from being the cutest relationship ever."

She told him, "I just realised a couple hours ago when I got home that I never wanted to be away from Fenton ever again. Even when we're fighting, I'd take that any day over the agony I went through when I was away from him for so long, I could hardly remember what his voice sounded like. Also, our one-year anniversary is in a couple of days! He's gonna love it!"

"And what about Gandra?", LP asked.

"I kinda had a tiny secret little talk with her and she said she was fine skipping out because, despite definitely loving us two idiots, she isn't into the whole marriage thing but she still wants to be with us despite not getting married and I'm fine with that... and hopefully Fenton will be too."

"Our one-year anniversary is in two days! She'll love it!", Fenton exclaimed.

Fenton was explaining how he was going to propose to Liz to Huey and Webby, the second most hardcore shippers of the three (rivaled only by Launchpad).

"What's your master plan to blow her away with her romanticism?", Webby asked excitedly.

"I remember she once said that she wanted to spend eternity with me and one of her favourite movies is Adam Gandler's (I know, I'm sorry) The Wedding Singer. So the plan is, we'll set up some rocking chairs by the fireplace and you guys are going to back me up while I sing Grow Old With You from the movie and when the song is over, I'll get down on one knee and propose!", Fenton explained.

Webby started clutching her chest and breathing heavily while leaning on Huey.

"Are you okay?!", Fenton asked, frantically.

"She's fine. She's just faking a heart attack-", Huey started


"Shh!", Gandra hushed her, "Liz is upstairs! We've got to keep it a surprise!"

"Right, sorry.", Webby awkwardly laughed.

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