21st Century Breakup (Chapter 9)

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(A/N: This is picking up nearly right where the last chapter left off. This is when the Lizmo shipping gets serious. Hope you enjoy)

Liz's POV:

Liz hesitated when she was about to knock on the door to the house she'd been in probably 100 times before. She thought to herself, He's always been there for you no matter what. Why should now be any different? Be brave. Like Gizmoduck. Just knock.

She knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

"Liz, what happened? You look like a mess. Come in, niña."

Unexpected but still a welcome greeting from Officer Cabrera.

"Thank you, ma'am. In short, I just had the worst breakup of my entire life.", she confessed.

"Oh, niña.", Officer Cabrera put her arm around Liz's shoulder as she took her over to the couch. "Polito!", she called out, "Liz needs you!"

"Coming, M'ma!", Fenton called back.

When he came down, Liz told Fenton all about what had happened with Mark and Fenton was just so understanding. He was listening to her, he let her cry on his shoulder when she needed to and just helped her let it all out. She ended up staying there longer than usual but neither Officer Cabrera nor Fenton had any problem with that. When she'd finished crying for the day, she suggested something not even herself had expected.

"Can I play a song?", she asked.

"Of course. You don't need to ask to do that.", he reassured her.

"Thanks.", she said as she started playing a song on her phone that she hadn't heard in years.

(A/N: I couldn't think of an alternate name for Green Day so it's just staying as Green Day)

Liz just leaned up against the wall as she looked out the window and let the song wash over her while lip-syncing to it. As she began to feel tears welling, she also felt a touch on her hand. She looked over and saw Fenton looking at her with wide, concerned eyes. She then felt a small smile grace her face before she quickly wrapped her arms around Fenton in a hug.

Fenton's POV:

He let Liz hug him as she started crying a little more. Only, she wasn't sobbing like before. And she wasn't simply relying on him. She was holding him like she did before Mark came along. It was like she was really her again.
Of course, it pained Fenton to see Liz in such a state where every fifteen minutes or so, she'd cry but at least she was only crying because breakups are always terrible. He was happy to be a shoulder for her to cry on, even if it meant he could only ever be that for a while. She then whispered something to him that he didn't expect.

"Thank you. So much."

~Timeskip brought to you by Dewey Dew-nite~

For weeks, Liz practically moved in with Fenton. She spent all her free time over there with him, be it screaming along to Green Day, or watching superhero movies or Star Paws: The Clone Wars, or playing Mario Kart (or dressing up as Billie Goat Armstrong) (I'm sorry about the animal puns). And over time, she got better. She stopped thinking about what would happen to her reputation and what her family would think of her... (this = flashback)

"I just felt so scared about what my family would think of me for basically wrecking their entire plan."

"But if that's what they would've been thinking about when you needed someone to be there for you, then what they think shouldn't be important to you."

"You're right. But you're here for me. That's why you're important to me."

And started thinking more about what was best for her.
When she finally moved on and got Mark Beaks out of her head, she was the happiest she'd been in a really long time. And it was the strongest love Fenton had felt for her in a long time.
Sure, he'd never tell a soul but both him and M'ma knew that he was truly and deeply in love with Liz.
Of course, it broke his heart when he saw Liz in the state she was in when she broke up with Mark Beaks but he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't feel at least a little joy in the fact that she'd gathered up the courage to dump him. Beaks didn't deserve her and everyone knew it.

On her journey to recovery, Liz told Fenton about all the horrible things Beaks did from the Project Ta-da incident to manipulating her into staying with him because of her fear of disappointing her dad once again. When he heard about this, Fenton couldn't believe it. He disliked Beaks before but after Liz told him about all that, he downright despised him.

But Beaks was unimportant. What was important was Liz. Since she was finally completely over Beaks and they were closer than every, maybe Fenton had a shot with Liz. Especially after she'd told him she loved him during one of her breakdowns. It was probably by impulse but it's better than nothing! And who knows, maybe M'ma's constant encouragement for him to tell her would wear him down.

Liz's POV:

After the ordeal Liz entitled her "21st Century Breakup", she started feeling better and a whole lot closer with Fenton. During her worst breakdown of the ordeal, impulsively, she had told Fenton she loved him.

"I-I'm just so scared!"

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here. Nothing else matters."

"Thank you... I love you."

And in a way, she did. He was very near and dear to her heart and she cared about him a lot. But the fact she said it impulsively made her think about whether or not she loved Fenton.
Sure, he was an incredible inventor and by far the smartest person she knew and he was very compassionate and even endured her seemingly non-stop breakdowns during the 21st Century Breakup but there was no way that he'd like someone like her.

He'd probably like girls as smart as Ada Dovelace, not a girl who didn't even get into college. Liz accepted that Fenton was way out of her league. But that didn't stop her from pondering what it would be like to date him. But it's not like she'd even have the chance. And she didn't want to ruin her friendship with Fenton. She loved spending time with him and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Besides, she still had Gizmoduck to think about. Sure, he might not have been interested in a girl like her but she could always dream. And besides, she was more than happy to just watch him from either the sidelines while helplessly chasing after him or in a front row seat as she'd sometimes be a victim of one of the villains who were fighting up against Gizmoduck and when the battle was over, she'd never felt more euphoric in her life than when he saves her and they fly away with her in his arms.
But besides that, she was finally herself again and finally had a best friend who wasn't her sister. And she felt free!

(A/N: Hey, sorry if this chapter felt like it dragged on a bit. Let me know if you think there's some thinks I should cut out or shorten but other than that, I hope you liked it. I thought it added a lot more closeness to Liz and Fenton's relationship and got Liz out of the gutter she was in. Also I hope you caught all the Hamilton references.)

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