Moonvasion! (Chapter 12)

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(A/N: In case you couldn't tell, this takes place during the Moonvasion. Feel free to watch the episode while reading these chapters. Hope I gave Liz a significant part to play in all of it. Also I'm sorry I'm only getting to doing this now. Also also, this is gonna be full of Hamilton references.)

(September 12th, 2019)

Liz's POV:

Liz pulled up to the site of where the ship had landed, having just put on Gyro's prototype limb armour and her purple mask made to mimic Gizmoduck's visor.
She skated up to Officer Cabrera and asked, "What did I miss?" (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Nothing so far. Nothing's happened since it landed. We're waiting for Gizmoduck.", she replied.

Right on cue, Gizmoduck rolled up. Liz could never get sick of his dramatic entrances. Everyone told him what to do and he was let past the barricade but not before Liz could give him a look of hope yet caution. She watched the exchange intently and got startled when Officer Cabrera jumped over the barricade to protect Gizmoduck as the Moonlanders started firing their blasters at everyone.

The scene quickly went to chaos as people started fleeing from the now dangerous Moonlanders. Liz used the prototype armour's forearm forcefields to protect herself and other civilians to escape the Moonlanders. She also used the laser fingers to fire at them to cover Gizmoduck and Officer Cabrera while they helped civilians who were trapped under things to safety. Unfortunately, they had to fall back as it was getting too dangerous. When they found somewhere to hide, they saw the Moonlanders putting people in cuffs and taking them off to places to hold them.

"We need to help more civilians without being spotted and captured.", Gizmoduck told them.

"But shouldn't we help those poor people escape?", Liz asked.

"We can help them later. What we need to do now is to help the hiders to safety.", he told her again.

"No, what we need to do is plan a breakout mission-", Officer Cabrera cut Liz off.

"Gizmoduck's right. We need to learn how they operate before we go charging in to rescue prisoners.", she told them, "And if we have a prayer of defeating these invaders, we need to stick together. Are you two with me?"

"Yes, ma'am", they both replied.

They went out, helping hiders, with Liz freeing some prisoners behind their backs, before one of the Lil' Bulbs found them and called them to the Bin.

While they were in the boardroom, discussing tactics over top one another, Gyro suggested, "Simple Solution: Clone army. Why are we even still talking? I'll get the clone spray. Meantime, we throw Gizmoduck out there as a decoy."

"Don't you dare!", Liz shouted at him as she pointed her finger at him, threatening to pew him with her laser.

"You hurt him, I hurt you.", Officer Cabrera threatened in a similar manner.

Gizmoduck nervously laughed and said, "Thank you for your concern, random citizen!"

"Fenton, I'm a detective and your mother. I know you're Gizmoduck.", she told him as Liz nodded along.

"Mom! Secret identity!", he scolded her in a loud-whisper.

A little later, Darkwing was being his usual attention-craving self which Liz was fine with at first but when he snubbed Gizmoduck's attempt at being polite she said in her head, "Oh hell no. How dare you snub my sweet boi."

Everyone was talking over top of each other again when Scrooge turned everyone's attention onto him.

"No one ever won a battle by squabbling! We need to stand united under one foolproof plan!", he announced.

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