Chapter 2 ✅

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I will not be doing twin speak since I do get awfully confused while reading it. However they will have parts when the day the same thing at the same time.

~Both Fred and George speaking


It had been five weeks since the incident at the bar, five weeks since he had fled the bedroom that he and Tom had shared that night, five weeks since he had slept with his mortal enemy, the man he was supposed to kill.

It had been four weeks since he had last thought about that night. Deciding that forgetting it would be for the best.

It had been three weeks since he had started feeling unnaturally tired. Weird. Maybe it was all the extra chores he had been forced to do.

It had been two weeks since he had started throwing up morning and night and he could barely keep anything down.

It had been one week since the order had came and got him from the Dursley's. Which he couldn't help but be grateful for.

It had been one minute since he had made up his mind to take a pregnancy test. Harry knew he couldn't back out of it, if he was pregnant he needed to do something and fast.

Five minutes had passed since Harry had taken the pregnancy test and he knew it was ready but he couldn't bare to look at it. Harry reluctantly grabbed the test and forced himself to look down at it. 'Positive' It read. The test dropped to the floor and Harry stared at himself in the mirror. He was pregnant and he knew who the father was, Lord Voldemort.

The-boy-who-lived stared at his reflection for a moment he couldn't bare to look away, he was in almost something like a trance.

He was at Grimmauld Place, surrounded by the order on a daily basis. Many would see the added weight that would build very quickly on his stomach. Harry had to come up with something to do quickly, so he decided go and see Fred and George, who were both staying here in the room opposite the bathroom he was in.

The raven haired boy bent down and with a shaking hand picked up the all-knowing test and shoved it in his pocket. Looking once again in the mirror he tried to compose himself a bit before leaving. He still looked sickly pale as he walked across to the twins bedroom. It was on the second floor beside the library, so it wasn't that hard to find.

He knocked the door and heard the shuffling of feet from behind it. The two opened the door and the usual giddy smile that they had on their faces turned upside down as they looked on at Harry's pale form.

"Blimey mate what happened you?" they exclaimed together.

Harry ignored their question and nodded into the room. The twins shuffled over to let Harry into the small room that they had called their own for the last month and a bit.

"What's up little brother?" The two twins asked together, while patting the spot between them on one of their beds.

Harry stood for a couple of seconds before giving in and sat in between the twins. He sat down awkwardly while the twins stared at him, George looked at him knowingly and with a wave of his wand, the door was closed and privacy charms were cast. Harry's lips twitched up slightly.

Harry knew the twins were eyeing him, he could feel the unpleasant tingle under his skin. They were waiting for the answer to their question. Sighing, Harry took the test out of his hoodie pocket and gave it to Fred who was sitting on his right. Harry guiltily took a look up at Fred's facial expressions, he looked stunned as he passed the test over to George. George looked equally as shook and the three boys just sat awkwardly for a couple of minutes. Before Harry finally broke the silence, "I need to leave here. If they find out that I'm pregnant and who the father is, they'll kill the child. Please Fred and George, I need your help."

The twins looked the at Harry before George asked, "Who exactly is the father, Harry?"

Harry couldn't meet the eyes of either of the red haired twins as he said, "Tom Riddle."

The twins looked at him in confusion but decided not to say anything, until Fred broke the silence, looking and acting as serious as Severus Snape was about potions. "Grab your essential items, we're leaving."

Fred and George got off the bed they were sitting on and started throwing clothes and some of their magical inventions into a trunk. Harry jumped off the bed, "What? Why?"

"You said you needed to leave, so we're going with you." George answered in a calm tone that was not one normally heard from someone planning to run away.

"Besides, we can be your legal guardian while your with us." Fred added on in a tone that was filled with amused humour.

Harry, not bothering about thinking twice ran out the door and to his and Ron's shared room. He was lucky that the latter was down in the kitchen still eating his third helping of breakfast. Harry opened his trunk and grabbed his wand, the marauders map, invisibility clock and a couple spare changes of clothes.

Harry ran slid down the banister of the stairs and walked back into Fred and George's room again. The room was the cleanest that Harry had ever seen it, nothing was lying on the ground or under a bed. Instead two trunks were packed and Fred shoved a duffel bag into Harry's hand and he started shoving the clothes that were in his arms into the bag. George shrunk their trunks small enough to fit in their pockets and waited for harry to finish.

As soon as he had zipped up the bag, Fred took Harry's arm and they apparated to diagon alley. Once there they put up the hoods of their hoodies and travelled to Gringotts, the wizarding bank.

George done most of the discussing with the goblin teller named Ironclaw. They had quite a bit of left over money from Harry's tri-wizard tournament winnings and decided to rent one of the building in the main alley that they had being eyeing up for a while.

Once the three teens had finished in Gringotts, in which they also took a trip down to Harry vault since he was running low on spending money. When they got to the new building and flat that they had decided to rent Harry gave the twins three hundred galleons that, by now he felt like he owed them. They wouldn't accept it and then still told the pregnant boy that he had to live with them, so they could make sure he was okay. The rented flat was bare, lacking the personal touches of being lived in. There was two bedrooms and the twins insisted that Harry got a bedroom to himself seeing as he would have to share it with a little one soon. Harry, seeing as he had only taken the bare essentials didn't have much and knew he would have to travel into muggle London to get clothes, seeing as he was famous here.

He ran into the twins room and hugged them tight, smiling slightly. He was away from any immediate threat to the child and that was all that mattered. Plus the fact that he wasn't alone.


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