Chapter 3 ✅

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School had started two weeks ago and if Harry could say anything, it was that he desperately missed it. He knew that he would never be going back, not unless something happened that would change his life. To say he was scared was an understatement, he didn't want anything to do with the war but if Dumbledore heard that little thought, his freedom of life would be forcibly stolen from him.

You may be wondering what the wizarding world has been doing since it was first realised that Harry was missing. That had also started two weeks ago, since no one had seen him on the train or at the great hall the day after everyone had arrived. Students had wrote to their parents and they had informed the press. Search parties had been formed and they where out every night calling Harry's name. Of course the twins had received a letter from their mother after they had informed her that they were moving out. That had went well according to them, yes Mrs Weasley had shed quite a few tears about them moving out but nothing since then.

Having the map helped a lot. Harry could see everyone in the castle, he smiled slightly and walked towards the kitchen for breakfast. The twins had forbidden him from doing any chores although he wouldn't let them keep him from cooking. Fred had mentioned about getting a healer to come around, though no names had been said. They were supposed to come in around an hour when Fred and George felt that they could take a lunch break. Fred volunteered to sit with Harry while he was getting his first check up.

There was a knock at the door and Harry rolled my eyes as the twins quietly and 'sneakily' tried to sneak in through the door. Harry knew the healer would be with them so he turned around from his wag to the kitchen and back into the living room. He looked up at the healer that was there.

A woman stood there, she was an average height and was evidently a pureblood by the way she held herself. Her blond hair reached below her shoulders and there was something that Harry seemed to recognise about her.

The woman smiled gently at him and that's when it clicked with Harry. 'This was Draco's mum!' Harry deciding he would be as polite as possible smiled back, "Lady Malfoy. Please sit down."

The woman's smile softened more as she made her way across towards where Harry was sat down. "Mr Potter , you've sent the wizarding world into chaos with your absence. Mr's Weasley have explained your situation, and have asked me to have a look over you to make sure the baby is okay."

Harry smiled a bit and nodded before listening to whatever the woman had to say.

"How long exactly has it been since you realised you've been pregnant?" The woman asked while trying to make the sofa comfortable.

"About three weeks now. I've been pregnant for eight weeks." Harry said answering the witch's question while laying down on the sofa.

"Would you mind lifting up your t-shirt, Mr Porter?" The healer asked and Harry nodded his head, following her instructions.

They remained silent for a long while before Narcissa casted a spell that showed the baby. Harry couldn't help but be stunned into awe. He had barely believed what the text had said, but now that he had seen the baby's heart beating he had to believe it. The twins were also looking on in awe, they really couldn't believe it their brother's, best mate was pregnant.

Narcissa cleared up her medical supplies and started talking again. "If you need me anytime soon, please, don't hesitate to call."

"Thank you for coming, Lady Malfoy."

The woman's kind eyes looked upon his again although there was a burning fire in her eyes that you knew she wanted to ask a witness. After giving a short nod, Narcissa asked the question that she has looked like she was dying to ask, "Is the father in the picture?"

Harry knew this question would come up often, so he decided to answer. "No, he isn't. I... He said he didn't want anything to do with it."

Narcissa could tell something else was up, but decided not to press it. She instead, nodded her head sadly before saying goodbye to the trio.


"Why didn't you tell her the truth Har?" Fred asked later that evening as they sat down for dinner.

"I guess I didn't want to tell her since her family is pretty close to him." Harry admitted without actually admitting who the father was.

Harry had said that the father was a man called Tom Riddle, but he never elaborated on that. He would never tell him his alias bit if he could help it anyways.

Fred nor George didn't say anything after that and decided to eat the food that Harry had made for them. They would admit that his cooking was almost as good as their mother's was, but they couldn't risk endangering Harry or the baby's life by going back to have their mothers food everyday.


"Harry! We need you to test out one of our new products!" George shouted as he entered their apartment.

"Fine. As long as it isn't harmful to the child." Harry said, rolling his eyes while sitting in the living room. He was reading a defence book that the twins had in one of their bookcases.

Getting up, Harry winced and traveled over to their experiment room which was always blocked off and charmed so he wouldn't be able to walk in there without being given permission.

He opened the door that Fred and George were experimenting behind and he was handed a type of powder. "Instant darkness powder?"

"It will allow you to make a quick escape. All you have to do is throw it down on the ground and make your crafty exit."

"Cool. Can I use it now?" Harry asked.

"That's what experimenting is, isn't it?" The twins said together as they took on sly grins.

As Harry threw the powder to the ground it exploded into a black cloud that lingered for about ten seconds. Leaving everyone in complete blackout.


Narcissa Malfoy came over to check on Harry and the baby quite often, Harry really began to enjoy her company. Since the twins were down in the shop all day, Harry was left alone for quite a bit of time with nothing to do. Narcissa came over to help Harry grasp the idea of parenthood and what was to be expected when the baby was born.

And before long the baby was born.


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