Chapter 4 ✅

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Loud crying erupted from the darkness and no sooner was a bedside light turned on and the shuffling of feet was heard along the floor. Harry Potter lifted the baby out of the cot, rocking her back and forth, "Shhhh Charlene, it's okay baby girl. It's alright, I'm here. Daddy's here."

Harry soothed the small baby girl back to sleep before getting up and bringing her with him to the kitchen. Harry put the kettle on for himself so he could have a cup of coffee and no sooner did the kettle wake Charlene up and she begun whining. Harry sighed, he knew this would happen and left the kettle to boil more while he positioned her close enough so she could suck his nipple. It was painful as she latched onto it but the pain lessened significant as she began to suck.

Harry smiled down lovingly at her, Charlene Merope Potter-Gaunt had been born almost a week ago and was already a right trouble maker. She looked exactly like her father, Tom Riddle, except she had Harry's ethereal green eyes. That, however, did not take away from the fact that she was the spitting image of her father. She had a full head of black wavy hair, pale skin and a regal look that Harry didn't have when he was younger. She didn't hold as much chub around her face as he did when he was younger. She looked charismatic and had a certain aura around her that made her feel special.

Harry smiled as she finished drinking her fill of milk, before she could become too tired, Harry quickly burped her and took her over to the rocker in the middle of the living room floor and strapped her in. Harry quickly made himself a coffee, checking the time he realised that it was only two am. 'Merlin, he was going to feel crap tomorrow.' He chuckled quietly and downed his coffee, heading back to the living room to lay back down. He just wanted sleep and surely enough he drifted of into a peaceful sleep.


Harry woke up a five hours later to George shaking him awake, they were going down to the shop floor and Charlene was also awake meaning that Harry had to watch her. Harry sighed, getting up to go and wash his face quickly making sure to lift Charlene out of her playpen.

After splashing his face with water he went to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast while letting Charlene feed again. Narcissa was coming round today to check up on Charlene and talk to Harry for a while.

Harry heard a knock at the door and quickly put Charlene in her playpen while he walked to the door. Greeting Narcissa, he invited her into the living room were they sat and played with little Charlene. Narcissa couldn't help but share some of Draco's baby stories, which made both of them laugh.

"So Harry, how are you managing with Charlene?" Narcissa asked as she rocked the tiny child to sleep.

Harry smiled before answering, "Great actually. She doesn't sleep all night though usually waking up about two because she wants fed. She normally goes Back to sleep in the rocker and I also go to sleep then. If she gets up after that, the twins look after her before waking me when they have to go to work."

Narcissa nodded and went back to looking at Charlene. The two stayed silent for quite a while just watching the small baby sleeping, Narcissa put Charlene in the rocker to let her sleep peacefully and they walked into the kitchen. Narcissa sat down while Harry went to make some tea, he sat the teapot and the cups down on the table with a few biscuits on a plate. The older woman nodded her thanks and poured some tea into her cup before taking a sip. They were quiet for a while before harry spoke up, "Narcissa?"

The blonde woman looked up her tea, smiling slightly. "Yes, Harry?"

Harry looked down at his hands, suddenly finding the exceedingly interesting, he didn't understand why he was nervous to ask this question. If she refused then she refused, that was all there is to it. The raven haired boy looked up at the kind woman who smiled gently at him, "Don't worry, Harry. I don't bite."

Harry chuckled quietly before he managed to pluck up the courage to ask her, "I would like you to be Charlene's godmother, if you would accept?" Harry managed to look up again, he saw the shock and tears in her eyes, it took her a moment to find an answer, she felt honoured beyond belief.

"Of course. I would be honoured to be the darling's godmother."

Harry smiled and they set up a date in which they could do the ritual with Fred and George, since they were to be named godfathers. Harry might of asked Hermione to be godmother but that would be too much hassle, with her knowing his location she could very well blab to Dumbledore; thinking that she would be doing it to keep him safe.


It was Saturday and the day which the ritual was taking place, they put Charlene in the circle of runes which they had hired a goblin to come out and draw, the goblin was also staying to read out the words of the ritual that was done to make the godmother(s) and godfather(s) bond with the child. The god parents to be had to bring an item that resembled something of worth to them to give to the child. The magic would fill that object and the child would then keep that object throughout life.

Narcissa brought a teddy bear that she had been given by her godfather when she was a child. Fred brought his first chocolate frog card and George also brought his first teddy bear that he had gotten.


Once the ritual was over, Narcissa left to go home, she was ecstatic. She had thought that she would never be able to pass along the bear that had been passed on for centuries. When she walked into her home she was shocked to find the dark lord, her husband, Lucius and her son, Draco. She immediately bowed her head as her lord approached her. "Narcissa, where have you been going?" He asked in a sharp tone.

She kept her head bowed and decided to answer truthfully, "My lord, I was simply visiting Charlene, my newly named goddaughter."

The dark lord rose one of his eyebrows, "A beautiful name for a young girl, it means 'free spirit' in french, I believe. Pureblood or halfblood and her last name?"

Narcissa swallowed briefly before finding the courage to look up at the dark lord although still avoiding his red eyes. "Halfblood, my lord." Narcissa paused before saying her last name, she didn't want to but she knew she couldn't hold back, the only thing she could do was miss out part of her last name. "Her last name is Gaunt."

What she didn't see however was the dark lord's face contort into shock and disbelief. "Middle name?" He curses himself as his voice broke causing the Malfoy matriarch to look up at him. The woman carefully studied him before opening her mouth, "Merope."

The dark lord stormed out of the entrance hall and out of the house, he needed a moment to think, "Shit. What the fuck have I done?!"

A/N - So I was rudely awakened this morning by my family singing me happy birthday because I turned 15. And I was wondering if any of you guys ever felt like it wasn't even your birthday? Or is it just me? Because everyone else always seems more excited about my birthday than me.

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