Chapter 6 ✅

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Harry sighed as he watched Tom walk away from him and Charlene, who was sitting in his arms. It had been a couple of months since he'd moved in with Tom, Charlene loved her father so much, he wasn't afraid to let the death eaters see him dotting on her and they were just as happy to officially have a dark heir.

Of course with this title came danger. Dumbleduck had heard about the new child of the dark, though he'd only heard about one side of her parentage, which Harry was none too thankful for.

Tom had been talking about ending the old man for quite a few months and had he'd talked his plans over with Harry constantly. Harry really hadn't wanted any violence to come with it but the violence was inevitable and both of them knew that no matter how they went about it there was always going to be violence.

Harry turned and passed Charlene on to Fred, both of the twins had agreed to stand guard and watch over Harry and Charlene. But that didn't put his mind at ease. Harry knew that Dumbledore had no clue of the dark lord's hideout, which was according to the meetings of the Order of the KFC that Fred and George still attended. But he was known for holding his secrets close, so anything was possible.

Harry watched from the upstairs window of Charlene's nursery as Tom stood at the head of all of his followers, most likely giving his pre-victory speech, and watched as they apparated away, leaving the manor mostly empty apart from a couple of guards and skilful warriors. Harry anxiously sat on the window seat of the waiting for the group of death eaters to come back, with as many numbers alive and uninjured as possible.


Tom stood at the edge of the dark forest, he knew the old man knew that he and his forces were here but yet he didn't come out to greet him. Tom's eyes narrowed as he watched the scene around him, the light was currently locking down Hogwarts and trapping all of the school children inside which was just totally stupid. They still had other ways in that only they knew about, thanks to Harry and the Weasley twins. Which he would admit aren't bad for a couple of blood traitors. If they could even be considered 'blood traitors' anymore, that is.

Tom smirked as he signalled a group of lower death eaters to attack the front. Only he and a couple of his inner circle knew that he was basically sending them to their death, but they were useless except for attacking muggles which could do nothing to defend themselves with.

Of course, Tom's idea was right the light shot down the bridge with the death eaters on it, letting all his lower-ranked fall to their deaths. A couple that wasn't so dim managed to apparate up to the ground, and they were immediately taken out by light wizards.

In this time Tom and all of his other death eaters managed to use the distraction to move onto the lesser defended side of the historic castle. The attack was a piece of cake really and there hadn't been too many deaths on the dark side, apart from the ones sacrificed.


Harry stood anxiously at the window, it had been at least three hours since his boyfriend had left, he had made his way down to the kitchen and had requested that the house-elves made him, the twins and Charlene something small. He was quite peckish, but as he sat down to eat there was a loud crash. Harry, Fred and George stood up and drew their wands staring straight at the entrance hall door where the noise had come from. Harry grabbed Charlene and pushed her into the nearest house-elf's arms. Which just happened to be his personal one, Jesper. "Take her up to her bedroom and look after her. Don't let anyone but me or Tom in."

Jesper tried to protest, wanting Harry to come with them but just got a hard look from Harry before he quickly popped away.

The twins gave Harry a look which Harry brushed off and just stared at where the noise had come from. Harry raised his wand and sent a blasting curse at the person who had just peeked their head around the corner. The person dodged and Fred and George sent off more spells, while Harry blocked the ones sent their way.

Soon they managed to get a closer look at who it was, Mad-eye Moody and Molly Weasley. The red-head screeching banshee's personality shifted into the nice caring mother figure at the sight of her boys and Harry there. Though Harry just sent off more hexes and curses at her and the old Auror.

The twins didn't hesitate at sending spells either and soon enough they were winning. Harry didn't know where the rest of the guards were but figured that there must've been others around the manor that they were dealing with.

Though the battle looked to be going in their favour it quickly took a turn for the worse, Harry soon found himself standing on his own, both Fred and George lying unconscious on the ground. Harry felt his fear and anxiety levels rise, no one was coming to help them and he was getting overwhelmed by the spells being cast at him. Growling he summoned another house-elf to go and get Bellatrix or someone, she wouldn't mind being taken away by the main battle especially if it was to kill the killer of her child.

Bellatrix was pregnant with Rodolphus' child during the war and as she was walking a circumstancing spell was thrown at her by none other than Molly Weasley. One of the many things that drew Bellatrix to her insanity.

Before Harry knew it a familiar red spell was sent to the red-headed mother making her scream out in pain, Harry allowed himself to throw the killing curse at the worn down Auror effectively killing the man.

He grinned ferally at the use of the spell to Bellatrix who was gleeful in her insanity, deciding to leave her to it he levatated the Weasley twins up the stairs and onto beds in their room, before going and checking on Charlene. He was none too thankful to Jesper for keeping his child safe and the house-elf left on orders to look after Fred and George.


Tom was in a state of panic when he saw the state his manor was in, the death eaters were just about as shocked and panicked as he was. Tom had realised Bella was missing from the battle but just put it down to being somewhere else in the castle torturing people.

He rushed up the stairs towards His and Harry's room, only to be tackled into an embrace by Harry, who buried his face in the man's chest, Charlene hugged her father's leg. 'At least Harry and out baby girl is safe.'

~The End~


A/n - sorry it took me so long to get this out I didn't have the motivation and I got some. Honestly I was thinking about making another couple of chapters but I know I wouldn't have the motivation and I hate having unfinished or discontinued stories so here's the ending. I'm sorry if you don't like it but tbh I don't give a flying fuck.

Peace ✌️


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