Chapter 5 ✅

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The dark lord stormed out of the entrance hall and out of the house, he needed a moment to think, "Shit. What the fuck have I done?!"


It had been a year and four months since Charlene was born, and two months since she had said her first word. Which was 'dada', Harry was on cloud nine for the two weeks after that.

Today, Harry was going down to the the twins experiment 'lab' which they had moved to the basement of the shop. Narcissa had offered to watch Charlene but Harry had declined, saying that he would be able to watch her while he was with the twins.

Harry quickly changed Charlene into a cute pink hoodie and skirt that Narcissa had bought her, since Harry was still housebound. Today was a Saturday, one of the days were the twins only worked in the afternoon. If school was out then they would be open all day but it was currently 24th of September so everyone was at school.

Harry picked up Charlene and held her to his waist as he traveled down the stairs, this was about the tenth time he had actually seen the shop as he couldn't come down that often. Even though he probably could use glamours to get by the crowd he didn't want to risk it.

"What are you experimenting on now?" Harry asked the twins as he sat Charlene down in her warded playpen.

"Just some new products." The twins said not giving anything away.

Harry rolled his eyes as he magic'd the teddy bear Narcissa gave to walk around and entertain his daughter before leaving her to her own devices.

One hour later, after not hearing any fuss from Charlene, Harry decided to go and check on her but she wasn't there. "Charlene!" No answer. "Fred, George, Charlene isn't here!"

The twins must have dropped whatever they were doing which resulted in a lot of crashing and sounds of glass shattering. Both Fred and George rush round and realise that the wards are broken and that they didn't hear the alarm. "Shit! Was it accidental magic?" Harry asked out of panic, he really didn't know what forms accidental magic took, apart from the fact when he managed to apparate to the school roof while being chased by Dudley and his goons.

"It might have been let's start looking." George said while already scanning the room for any signs of childish mischief, but to no avail.

The three teenagers spilt up to search for the missing toddler, but she seemed to have vanished into thin air. That was until Harry looked at the open basement door which he was sure he had closed behind them, but quickly sprinted up the stairs to make sure she wasn't wandering the shop floor.

"Charlene! Where are you, baby?" The teen dad called out into the seemingly dark and quiet shop.

No answer.

Harry searched between the shelves and in all the nooks and crannies he could see but there was no Charlene. Harry had noticed how the twins had left the basement and were now searching the shop floor. As he was about to take his search for his missing daughter upstairs, Harry stopped dead in his tracks. Death Eaters.


Harry stared at the figures in black cloaks and bone like silver masks, one had a wand pointed at his daughter, he drew his wand quickly and casting a quick "expelliarmus", causing many to turn around and point their wands at him.

Harry barged right through their cult semi-circle that was holding his child captive, they were frozen in place as harry summond her teddy bear so she could entertain herself and invoked the Black family magics that Narcissa had given as her through the gift of being a god mother.

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