-the weird one

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Y/F/N: your full name

The paved square at the bus stop was completely crowded, and I wondered how all these people should fit in our tiny bus. All around me, people were screaming, hugging each other and saying goodbye to their loved ones. A slightly overwhelmed bus driver tried to storage all the luggage and his assistant arranged the skies in the box at the back. After I reached my package to the bus driver, I stood there alone with my bag, a bit lost.

My mum signed me up for a excursion for a week in this new town we just moved in, in the hope I would meet someone new and make friends. In my old school I didn't have any and I had a certain idea that this wasn't going to change.

I was all the more surprised when a brown-haired girl around my age smiled at me. Next to her was a handsome boy with a backpack, he seemed to be a bit older than her. Actually, I wasn't prepared that anyone would notice me, but when I smiled back, they came over.

,,Hey, I am Belle, and this is Leo. Who are you? I have never seen you here before!'' she asked me in a friendly tone while the guy apparently named Leo, stood next to her like a statue.

,,I am Y/F/N, but call me Y/N please, and yeah, I am new.'' I admitted with a sigh and looked at the two together. ,, Are you guys a couple?'', it came out of my mouth. The moment I spoke it out, I blushed and squinted my eyes in embarrassment. That was of course the best thing to ask a complete stranger, especially if you have no friends here, Y/N. I scolded myself quietly.

But Belle laughed: ,,Oh, please not you too, everyone asks this! We are just friends, and-''

,,Belle! Come here!'' a guy shouted from the opposite side of the place.

,,Oh, there is Nick, I'll walk over to him. See you in the bus, Y/N!'' Belle's cheeks flushed, she hugged Leo and ran over to Nick.

,,He is her boyfriend, you know. ''whispered Leo and grinned. It was the first time that he ever spoke a word since I was here. My heart jumped, and somehow we managed to get into a conversation. It was the first time that I felt comfortable today.


....and yeah, that's why we are here.'' I laughed and he started laughing to, but suddenly he became quiet. After he inspected me for a few seconds, he raised an eyebrow and said.

,,You're very pretty.''

I felt that my cheeks got red but I didn't answer and saw up to him. He was beautiful himself. Taller than me, dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile that made my knees weak, and in addition he was really kind and charming. The outlook that I would spend a whole week with him made me incredibly happy, and I didn't even know why.

I got torn out of my stare as I noticed that Leo glanced at me too.

,,So, you are on this trip too?'' he questioned, and I could not read in his face if he was being nice or not. It was like we were at the total start of the Get-to-know phase again, even after we talked for surely half an hour. Of course, I am the weird one, how could I forget.

,,Yeah, my mum... she forced me to go, you know. We just moved here, and usually I like skiing. The worst part is, that I don't know anyone or have any friends. Or even had before'' This was the best answer I could think of at this moment and I  mentally rolled my eyes. The best way to make myself attractive is surely to say that I was unpopular and don't have any friends, congratulations Y/N.

,,No friends?'' he asked with an eyebrow raised. ,,I can't imagine that.''

,,Yeah.. I was the- the weird one.'' I admitted quietly. In embarrassment I squeezed my lips together and fixed my eyes to the ground.

After my confession nobody said anything and I really tried to avoid his gaze. The bus driver saved me out of this uncomfortable situation.

,,Everybody in. NOW!'' he shouted.

I did not realize how late it already was and left Leo and the odd atmosphere to get a good place to sit. The seats were arranged so that there were two pairs of seats opposite each other. I sat down at a seat next to the window, and pulled out my portable CD-player. Belle showed up, slid into the seat next to Nick directly in front of me and started talking immediately. I looked around and wondered where Leo was. He appeared a few minutes later, and, like it was self-evident and we didn't have had a problem before, he plopped down at the seat next to me and pointed at my headphones.

,,Can I listen in?''

,,Sure, if you like Green Day'' I decided to forget the thing, since it seemed like he already had done the same. I handed him over one of the earbuds. The moment Basket Case came on, he started dancing like a complete idiot. Nick looked to Belle in confusion.

,,What in gods name is he doing here?''

Belle just laughed and shrug her shoulders while I snorted. Leo stopped dancing and looked first at Belle and then at me with the biggest grin on his face. I bursted out in laughter but stopped as I felt his hand in mine.

,,I am sorry'' he whispered.

,,It's okay'' I answered as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I understood what he meant. It felt like we were friends since ever, but hardly even knew each other. I saw Belle grinning.

,,I think there is something going on between these two, Nick.'' she whispered pretty loud with the fully intention that we would hear it.

,,Oh shut up Belle'' Leo answered but I felt his smile. I heard the bus start as we all laughed together, and I felt my excitement for the upcoming week.

For the first time, I wasn't the weird one.

A/N Okay, this chapter is a whole mess, really long and I had a hard time naming it but enjoy! Also, surprise, I did not write this at 2 am! Please let me know if you liked it, maybe you could vote, comment and/or follow? Bye babes! <3

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