- three kisses

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I tried to reach the tape, which was laying on the dresser, from bed and failed miserably. My plan today was to redecorate the posters and pictures on the wall behind my bed. I leaned over the edge of my bed to try to grab the tape the second time, just because I was too lazy to leave my cozy space on the bed, cross-legged and with pictures of my boyfriend Leo, my best friends and myself all around me. It had the result that I fell from my bed and crashed into the fluffy carpet on the floor, landing in the gap between just this bed and my dresser.

,,Y/N? Is everything okay?'' The door opened and a concerned Leo appeared in the door frame, with his eyebrows drawn together. ,,I just came through the front door and heard a muffled sound. What did you do?'' But as soon as he saw me, lying on the floor in a total knot and not able to rescue myself, he started giggling.

I tried to untie my legs, which was not easy because one of them was impacted behind my commode, while Leo stood next to me, grinned and made himself in no way useful or tried to help. After a few minutes in which I still tried to get out unsuccessfully, I confessed: ,,I'm stuck'' while making a pouting face.

,,You look cute'', Leo said. He came up to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. ,,Thanks, but could you help me now please? This is really not the most comfortable position and I can't get out without you,'' I told him, my mouth still in a pout.

,,And what do I get for it? I am not for free, madam,'' he told me with a mischievous smirk as he kissed my forehead again.

,,What do you request?'' I asked back, deciding to join this kinda odd game.

,,Maybe a kiss? Or two? Or.. three?''

,,Hmm... okay, but not three kisses for only helping me out of this situation! That's too much too ask, my sir,'' I said theatrically while holding my only free hand to my forehead, acting that I was fainting.

Now he was the one with a pouting face. ,,But I want my three kisses.'' he said like a little child whose favorite toy was taken away. ,,Please, three kisses.''

I could not resist him looking at me with his blue eyes and begging for a kiss. ,,Okay, three kisses, but only if you help me hang up my posters later.'' I gave in. It was just too cute.

,,I'll help you hang up your posters later, but I get one of my kisses now. Deal?'' he still tried to negotiate with me.

,,Deal.'' I gave him a short kiss on his lips. ,,Kiss one. And now help me out of here before I get a rigid neck.''

He moved the dresser out of the way and freed my leg, then he picked me up and carried me to the bed, just like i was a princess. Leo sat down at the edge, me still on his lap. ,,Is everything okay? Are you fine?''he asked worried. ,,I am alright, there will definitely be some bruises, but that's alright.''

His face came closer to mine, I looked into his eyes and got totally lost in them. ,,Kiss two'' i said as his lips touched mine. ,,You are really going to count?'' Leo asked me as he kissed me again. ,,Kiss three'' I mumbled. ,,And now you help me with the posters.''

,,Oh no, just one more kiss'' he begged. Before I could even say a word, he turned me around so that he was on top of me and started kissing me more intensely. I could feel his lips all over my neck as I moaned a bit. ,,Okay, you won. The posters can wait.''

A/N:  I hope you like this new part! Believe it or not, I wrote this thing at 2 am again... (Not good for my health, and if you find a mistake, forgive me, my eyes are not the best, especially at this time) My inspo for this one were the posters I got for christmas and I had trouble putting up. If you liked my story, please vote, comment and follow if possible <3 bye babes

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