-heavens beach

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Say yes to heaven
Say yes to me

Lana Del Rey, yes to heaven

I heard the key turn in the lock and a few moments later the door slam shut.

,,Angel, I am home!'' it came from the corridor. Leo appeared in the door frame of the bedroom, let go of all his things and hopped on our bed, still with his jacket and shoes on, where he landed on top of me.

,,Leo, no, what are you doing? I changed the sheets today!'' I scolded him and laughed while covering his face with little kisses.

Leo and I have been a couple for more than 4 years now, and we even moved in together recently, but somehow we were still in this lovey-dovey phase that our friends teased us with all the time, and I fell in love with him more every single day.

,Y/N, I have to ask you something'' Leo told, suddenly becoming serious.


,,It's really important.'' He slid from the bed and got on his knees. ,,Y/N, will you..''

I looked at him amazed and happy. No way. Is he really doing this, now? A grin appeared on my face.

,,...go to Florida with me? Please? I don't wanna go alone to this casting, and the remaining four days I'm yours.''

I squinted my eyes and looked at him confused. What? Oh.

,,Y/N? Will you?''Leo was still on his knees and saw up to me, waiting for a answer. I didn't realize I got completely silent but had to smile, because he looked like a little kid doing this.

,,I heard there is a amazing, hidden coastline called Heaven's Beach and really want to go there with you. The name reminds me of you, my angel.'' he grinned.

I bobbed my head in agreement.

,,Leo, you scared the shit out off me, but I guess, I am saying yes to heaven then.'' With these words, I got down to the ground and started kissing him. He didn't question too much about my comment and just went with it.


Four days later we sat in the plane to Florida. I had a seat right to the window. Leo  was right next to me and held my hand. We had still 2 hours flight in front of us and were chatting since the start.

,,I have to tell you something, Leo. You still know the day you asked me if I would go to Florida with you? I thought you were going to ask me to be your wife!'' I had to laugh and shake my head about that now as I thought about it. How stupid of me to think he would actually propose to me. We have only been together since 4 years, that was way to early to know if you want to marry that person. Leo looked at me intensely.

,, Why would you think that?''

,,I mean, you got on your knee, took my hand and started with : Y/N will you..'' I shrugged my shoulders and made a face.

,,Y/N, Y/N... honestly, angel, sometimes...'' Leo laughed without looking at me. I tried to cross his look, but he stared at the seat in front of us. I was confused, but then brushed it of and didn't worry. 


I was laying in the big bed at the hotel and read in a magazine. Leos casting for the film would take longer so wouldn't come back until the evening. But I couldn't pay attention to the article I was reading, I had to think about our conversation on the plane. Why didn't he look at me? A lot of thoughts ran through my head and I fell asleep.


 The sound of a door being slammed into it's frame teared me out of sleep and made me sit in bed upright. Burglars? But no, it was just Leo.

,,Honey, I am home!'' His face appeared in the door frame.

,,Can you stop slamming the door like that? I almost had a heart attack, and were not alone here.'' I rubbed my eyes, yawned and looked out of the big window. The sun began to set, so I assumed that it had to be late afternoon.

,,Did I wake you?''

,,No, of course not, I usually wake up naturally when you entry'' I sarcastically rolled my eyes and gave him a little peck on his lips. ,,How was the casting?'' 

,,I got it! But we can talk about that later. Wanna go to Heavens Beach? We can watch the sunset.''

I was actually still pretty tired, but the wish to see Heavens Beach won, although sunsets on the beach are really soppy.


The moment Leo turned off the engine of the truck he rented, I almost jumped out of it and ran down the little path that lead to the sea. I just wanted to see Heavens Beach. Leo told me it would be amazing.

,,Angeel, waiit'' Leos voice echoed behind me.

I didn't stop running until my bare feet touched the soft sand. The strong wind tore my hair and the light summer dress I was wearing. With a big grin on my face spread my arms to the sides, then I looked up to see if the coastline was worth all the fuss that was made about it. My mouth dropped open.

This beach truly deserved it's name. High palms bordered the white sands in front of a seemingly endless turquoise sea of small waves, small schools of fish darted through the shallow water and the sun went down by spreading beautiful colors onto the sky. All that was, like a bay, surrounded by sharp-looking cliffs, where I recognized a few caves in the grey stone. They were beneath the surface and I imagined scuba diving in there. The topping off all was, there were no people at all. This whole place was like true heaven.

Meanwhile Leo had also reached the beach, i heard astonished breathing next to me.

,I knew it would be amazing, but I didn't expect this kind of beauty.'' he said quietly.

,,I didn't either.'' I flustered.

It was truly the most perfect place on this planet.

A/N: Okay, at first, there will be a second part to this story! Second, sorry that this is really long, more than 1000 words, but I wanted to keep in all the extras and special moments that have like nothing to do with the actual storyline cause  I thought they were cute and showed the relationship between Y/N and Leo. :) I got inspired again by one of Lana's songs, Yes To Heaven.  PS: Heavens Beach doesn't really exist, it's completely fictional. ;)

I really hope you enjoyed it! Please comment, vote and follow, if possible! Bye Babes <3

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