- girlfriend

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,,Mr. Dicaprio, where is your destination tonight?'' ,,How is your new film going, Leonardo?''

The paparazzi were insane that evening. Leo and I were on our way to the night club, and although we were careful, they caught him.

,,Can you tell us something about your new movie?'' a particularly annoying reporter, who had  been following us all way since we got out of the car, asked him.

,,I am not answering any questions today'', Leo declared all of them, ,,and now out of the way, please!'' He took my hand and tried to push us past the paparazzi. Flashing lights were all around us. ,,No photos!'', Leo made it clear and looked to the ground, one hand held over his eyes, the other one still in mine.

,,Who is this girl next to you, Leonardo?'' the same annoying guy asked.

,,Oh no, not again'', Leo mumbled in my ear, while he pulled me closer to him and wrapped one arm around me, still walking and trying to escape them.

I knew how much he hated that question. It was still hard to say for him that he had a girlfriend, after one and a half year. We kept our relationship quite private and although I had been to some parties, restaurants and cinemas with him and there was even one video of us kissing going around the internet, some paparazzi still asked him who I was. He got asked very often if we were in a relationship, but the thing that worried me the most was, that he had never actually confirmed that we were together.

I decided to answer the question by myself: ,, I am Y/N and I can speak for myself, thank you.''

I heard Leo giggle next to me. ,, You're confident tonight, huh?'' he whispered in a teasing tone. To the crowd he said: ,,She's cool!''

,,You already know how much I hate to be just the girl by your side. I may don't like the spotlight but I am not just your girlfriend'' I gave back, still walking next to him, the paparazzi around us screaming and photographing.

,,Are you two a couple?'' the annoying man shouted again.

Leo blushed slightly and gave no answer, but I knew he heard it.

As we were at he door of the club, we could finally escape them. We went inside and Leo stood up next to me on the bar, then he ordered drinks for us two. Our views crossed each other and I got lost in his eyes. I decided it was time to talk. After a few seconds, I said with a raspy voice:

,,You didn't answer the question.''

Leo looked at me, not quite at the point. ,,What?''

,,You didn't answer the question.'' I said more intense. ,, You didn't answer the man's question. ,,Are you two a couple?'' he said. You did not answer that, and yes, I know you heard it.''

,,Y/N, look. I do not like it to talk about my relationships with the paparazzi. They could make the hell out of just one word. I am really in love with you, but I can't.''

,,Funny how you could talk about your relationship when you were with Kristen.'' I mumbled quietly, sad and a bit pissed.

,,Yes, it was way easier and Kristen was different-''

He could not finish his sentence, now I was just pissed. ,,Kristen was different? Thank you lots. Why don't you go and be with her again, then you could also talk to the paparazzi like you did before me.''

I grabbed my things and walked to the gate, Leo following me.

,,No I am sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean it that way, please, let me explain.''

He stopped me before i could enter the exit by putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

,,It wasn't my intention for it to come out like that. I love you.''

I was still mad at him and turned away, continuing my way to the gate. Leo walked behind me, grabbing my hand, so that I practically pulled him after myself. He was still trying to explain but I cut every single of his words off.

When I opened the door, a wall of cameras and flashlights was welcoming me. Both of us stood there in a stare for some seconds, then I began pushing myself through the reporters, ignoring the questions they asked us, Leo still behind me grabbing onto my hand.

,,Y/N let me explain this, I-''

,,Are you two a couple?'' The annoying man from the way to the club was actually still there and kept on annoying us. I slowly started to wonder, if annoying other people is just what you need to do if you are a paparazzi. I tried to disregard this question, and so did Leo.

,,Are you two a couple?'' he asked again.

I started to freak out. ,,Dear man, could you please just let it be or I will-''

I never got to say what I would do if he doesn't stop, because just at this moment, Leo spoke up.

,,Yes, we are. I am proud to say this amazing woman is my girlfriend.''

I stopped running away, turned around and looked at him. Did he really just admit we were together? In front of everybody?

,,And I love her. Y/N, I love you.''

Oh my god. Yes, I guess he did.

A/N:  At first, sorry that this turned out so long and I that have to start my Imagines-Series with a fight. ;) I kind of got inspired by a video of Leo hiding from the paparazzi, and please do not be too strict with my spelling, i literally wrote this at 1 am :3   I hope you enjoyed my story, please comment, vote and follow if possible <3

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